Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)                   jgs 2025, 25(77): 88-105 | Back to browse issues page

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aftabi Z, kaveyani Rad M. (2025). Qualitative meta-analysis of researches related to hydropolitical relations between Iran and Iraq. jgs. 25(77), 88-105. doi:10.61186/jgs.25.77.22
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4270-en.html
1- Phd student of political geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Kharazmi, Tehran, Iran., phd student
2- Associate Professor, Department of political geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran., - , kaviani75@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4076 Views)
Water is a strategic and scarce resource that has become increasingly limited in recent years due to a variety of national and transnational factors, significantly impacting security, stability, development, and prosperity in various countries. The profound influence of water on these domains has positioned it at the forefront of the foreign policy and hydropolitical relations of numerous nations, including those in South West Asia. In recent years, despite the prominence of the water crisis and its implications for the relations between Iran and Iraq within scholarly, political, and media discussions, the complexities of this issue remain poorly understood, leading to disparate interpretations. 
The current research, which is exploratory in nature, utilized library methods for data collection with the aim of achieving a qualitative understanding of the multifaceted hydropolitical relations between Iran and Iraq. This study not only seeks to identify the content and methodological characteristics of existing literature but also aims to uncover research gaps in this field employing a qualitative meta-analysis approach. Through this method, the research examined 34 studies published between 2014 and 2023, including domestic scientific articles, theses, and contributions to reputable international journals. The findings indicate that a comprehensive analysis of the various dimensions of hydropolitical relations between Iran and Iraq has yet to be undertaken. In this context, the absence of accurate and reliable data, alongside the inadequacy of theoretical and cognitive frameworks, represents significant deficiencies in the existing research on the bilateral relations of these two countries.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Political geography

1. آفتابی، زکیه؛ کاویانی راد، مراد؛ کاردان مقدم حمید (1402). تبیین سناریوهای فراروی مناسبات هیدروپلیتیک رودخانه های مرزی ایران و عراق، مدیریت آب و آبیاری، 13(2): 507- 487. 10.22059/JWIM.2023.351144. 1032.
2. کاویانی‌راد، مراد (1399). هیدروپلیتیک: سویه‌ها و رویکردها. تهران: انتشارات پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردی.
3. کاویانی راد، مراد؛ صدرانیا، حسن (1400). هیدروپلیتیک: آینده پژوهی مناسبات هیدروپلیتیک ایران و افغانستان در حوضه آبریز هریررود. تهران: انتشارات پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردی.
4. Abd-El mooty, M., mansoh, R., & abdulhadi, A. (2016). Accelerating the words research. Hydrology current research, 7(4). 1-8. 10. 4172/2157-7587.1000260.
5. Aftabi, Z., Kaviani Rad, M., & Kardan Moghadam, H. (2023). Explaning the future scenarios of the hydro political relations of the border rivers of Iran and Iraq. Water and irrigation management, 13(2), 487- 507. (in pearsian). 10.22059/JWIM.2023.351144.1032.
6. Agrawal, S., Barlow, M., Cullen, H., & Lyon, B. (2001). The drought and humanitarian crisis in central and southwest Asia: A climate perspective. IRI Rep. 1(11), 1-24.
7. Al-ansari, N.A., Ali, A., & Knutson, S. (2014). present conditions a future challenges of water resources problems in Iraq, journal of water resource and protection, 6(1), 1066-1098.
8. Andreassen, S., Randers, I., Ternulf Nyhlin, K., & Mattiasson, A. C. (2007). A meta-analysis of qualitative studies on living with oesophageal and clinically similar forms of cancer, seen from the perspective of patients and family members. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2(2), 114-127.
9. Barlow, M., & Hoel, A. (2015). Drought in the middle east and central- south west Asia during winter. Journal article, 96(12), 71-76. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26233144.
10. Barlow, m., zaitchik, b., paz, s., black, e., elansi, j & hell, a. (2016). A review of drought in the middle east and southwest asia, Journal of climate. 29(33). 8547- 8574.
11. Bijnens, T. (2021). Hydrologic Structures in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin and Their Impact on the Vitality of the Marshes. In Southern Iraq's Marshes. Their Environment and Conservation, 113-125.
12. Bréthaut, C., Ezbakhe, F., McCracken, M., Wolf, A., & Dalton, J. (2022). Exploring discursive hydropolitics: A conceptual framework and research agenda. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 38(3), 464-479. ‌
13. Brethaut, C., Ezbakhe, F., Mccracken, M., Wolf, A., & Paltoun, J. (2022), Exploring discursive hydro politics: a conceptual framework and research agenda. International journal of water resources development. 38(1): 464-479.
14. Cooley, J. K. (1984). The war over water. Foreign Policy, 54(1), 3-26. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1148352 .
15. De Stefano, L., Edwards, P., De Silva, L., & Wolf, A. T. (2010). Tracking cooperation and conflict in international basins: Historic and recent trends. Water Policy, 12(6), 871-884.
16. Dolatyar, M., & Gray, T.S. (2000). the politics of water scarcity in the middle east. environmental politics, 9(1): 65-88.
17. Dombrowsky, I. (2009). Revisiting the potential for benefit sharing in the management of trans-boundary rivers. Water Policy, 11(2), 125-140. ‌
18. Gerlak, A., Varady, R; Haverland, A. (2009). Hydrosolidarity and international water governance. international negotioation. 14(1): 311-328.
19. Gleditsch, N. P., Furlong, K., Hegre, H., Lacina, B., Owen, T., (2006). Conflicts over shared rivers: Resource scarcity or fuzzy boundaries? Political Geography, 25(4), 361-382. ‌
20. Gleick, P. H. (1994). Water, war & peace in the Middle East. Environment. science and policy for sustainable development, 36(3), 6-42. ‌
21. Gleick, P. H., (2014). Water, drought, climate change, and conflict in Syria. Weather. climate, and society, 6(3), 331-340.
23. http://gis.nace.org.
24. IPCC, (2022). Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York,
25. Julien, F. (2012). Hydropolitics is what societies make of it (or why we need a constructivist approach to the geopolitics of water). International Journal of Sustainable Society, 4(1-2), 45-71. ‌
26. Kaviani Rad, M. (2019). Hydro politics, strains and approaches. Tehran: Research in statute of strategic studies. (In Persian).
27. Kaviani Rad, M., & Sadrania., H. (2020). Hydro politics, the future research of hydro political relations between Iran and Afghanistan in Harirrood watershed. Tehran: Research in statute of strategic studies. (In Persian).
28. Kehl, J. R., (2011), Hydropolitical complexes and asymmetrical power: Conflict, cooperation, and governance of international river systems, Journal of World-Systems Research, 218-235.
29. Lautze, S., E. Stites, N. Nojumi., & F. Najimi. (2002). Qaht-e-Pool-A cash famine: Food insecurity in Afghanistan 1999-2002. Feinstein International Famine Center Rep., 61 pp.
30. Madani, K. (2014). Water management in Iran: what is causing the looming crisis. Journal of environmental studies and sciences, 4(1) 315-328. ‌
31. Madani, K., AghaKouchak, A., & Mirchi, A. (2016). Iran's socio-economic drought: challenges of a water-bankrupt nation. Iranian studies, 49(6), 997-1016. ‌ 193-207.
32. Mansouri Daneshvar, M. R., Ebrahimi, M., & Nejadsoleymani, H. (2019). An overview of climate change in Iran: facts and statistics. Environmental Systems Research, 8(1), 1-10. ‌
34. Mirumachi, N., Allan, J. A. (2007). Revisiting transboundary water governance: Power, conflict cooperation and the political economy. In Proceedings from CAIWA international conference on adaptive and integrated water management: Coping with scarcity. Basel, Switzerland.
35. Nagheeby, m., & warner, j. (2018). The geopolitical overlay of the hydropolitics of the harried river basin. international environmental agreements: politics, law and economic, 18(1), 839-860.
36. Pilehvar, A., (2021). Spatial-geographical analysis of urbanization in Iran. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 1-12. ‌
37. Rahi, K. A., Al-Madhhachi, A. S. T., & Al-Hussaini, S. N. (2019). Assessment of surface water resources of eastern Iraq. Hydrology, 6(3), 57.
39. Sadoff, C. W., & Grey, D., (2002). Beyond the river: the benefits of cooperation on international rivers. Water policy, 4(5), 389-403.
41. Saemian, P., Tourian, M. J., AghaKouchak, A., Madani, K., Sneeuw, N. (2022). How much water did Iran lose over the last two decades. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 41(1), 1-23.
43. ‌Turton, A., Henwood., R. (2002), Hydropolitics in the developing world: A Southern African perspective: IWMI.
44. Varady, R., Gerlak, A., & Haverland, A. (2009). Hydro solidarity and international water governance. International Negotiation, 14(2), 311-328. ‌
45. Varol, M., & Şen, B. (2012). Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena, 92, 1-10.
47. Warner, J. (2012). Three lenses on water war, peace and hegemonic struggle on the Nile. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 4(1-2), 173-193. ‌
49. Wei, Y., wei, J., Wu, Sh., Yu, D., Ghoreish, M., Lu, Y., Souza, F., Sivapaalan, M., Tian, F. (2022). Asocio hydrological framework for undersboundary rivers. hydrology and earth system sciences. 26(8). 2131-2146.
51. Westing, A. H. (1986). Global resources and international conflict: environmental factors in strategic policy and action: Oxford University Press on Demand. ‌
52. Wolf, A. T. (2007). Shared waters: Conflict and cooperation. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour, 32, 241-269. httpss://doi.org/10.116/anurev. Energy.32.041006.101434.
53. Yaseen, Z. M., Sulaiman, S. O., & Sharif, A. (2021). The Nature of Tigris-Euphrates Rivers Flow: Current Status and Future Prospective. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Their Environment from Headwaters to Mouth, 2(1), 229-242.
55. Yeganeh, Y., & Bakhshandeh, E. (2022). Iran's model of water diplomacy to promote cooperation and prevent conflict over transboundary rivers in Southwest Asia. World Affairs, 185(2), 331-358.
56. Yoffe, S., Wolf, A. T., & Giordano, M., (2003). Conflict and cooperation over international freshwater resources: Indicators of basins at risr 1. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 39(5), 1109-1126.
58. Zeitoun, M., & Warner, J., (2006). Hydro-hegemony-a framework for analysis of trans-boundary water conflicts. Water policy, 8(5), 435-460. ‌
60. Zeitoun, M., Mirumachi, N., & Warner, J. (2011). Transboundary water interaction II: The influence of 'soft 'power. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 11, 159-178.
62. Abd-El mooty, M., mansoh, R., & abdulhadi, A. (2016). Accelerating the words research. Hydrology current research, 7(4). 1-8. 10. 4172/2157-7587.1000260.
63. Aftabi, Z., Kaviani Rad, M., & Kardan Moghadam, H. (2023). Explaning the future scenarios of the hydro political relations of the border rivers of Iran and Iraq. Water and irrigation management, 13(2), 487- 507. (in pearsian). 10.22059/JWIM.2023.351144.1032.
64. Agrawal, S., Barlow, M., Cullen, H., & Lyon, B. (2001). The drought and humanitarian crisis in central and southwest Asia: A climate perspective. IRI Rep. 1(11), 1-24.
65. Al-ansari, N.A., Ali, A., & Knutson, S. (2014). present conditions a future challenges of water resources problems in Iraq, journal of water resource and protection, 6(1), 1066-1098.
67. Andreassen, S., Randers, I., Ternulf Nyhlin, K., & Mattiasson, A. C. (2007). A meta-analysis of qualitative studies on living with oesophageal and clinically similar forms of cancer, seen from the perspective of patients and family members. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2(2), 114-127.
69. Barlow, M., & Hoel, A. (2015). Drought in the middle east and central- south west Asia during winter. Journal article, 96(12), 71-76. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26233144.
70. Barlow, m., zaitchik, b., paz, s., black, e., elansi, j & hell, a. (2016). A review of drought in the middle east and southwest asia, Journal of climate. 29(33). 8547- 8574.
72. Bijnens, T. (2021). Hydrologic Structures in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin and Their Impact on the Vitality of the Marshes. In Southern Iraq's Marshes. Their Environment and Conservation, 113-125.
74. Bréthaut, C., Ezbakhe, F., McCracken, M., Wolf, A., & Dalton, J. (2022). Exploring discursive hydropolitics: A conceptual framework and research agenda. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 38(3), 464-479. ‌
76. Brethaut, C., Ezbakhe, F., Mccracken, M., Wolf, A., & Paltoun, J. (2022), Exploring discursive hydro politics: a conceptual framework and research agenda. International journal of water resources development. 38(1): 464-479.
78. Cooley, J. K. (1984). The war over water. Foreign Policy, 54(1), 3-26. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1148352 .
79. De Stefano, L., Edwards, P., De Silva, L., & Wolf, A. T. (2010). Tracking cooperation and conflict in international basins: Historic and recent trends. Water Policy, 12(6), 871-884.
81. Dolatyar, M., & Gray, T.S. (2000). the politics of water scarcity in the middle east. environmental politics, 9(1): 65-88.
83. Dombrowsky, I. (2009). Revisiting the potential for benefit sharing in the management of trans-boundary rivers. Water Policy, 11(2), 125-140. ‌
85. Gerlak, A., Varady, R; Haverland, A. (2009). Hydrosolidarity and international water governance. international negotioation. 14(1): 311-328.
86. Gleditsch, N. P., Furlong, K., Hegre, H., Lacina, B., Owen, T., (2006). Conflicts over shared rivers: Resource scarcity or fuzzy boundaries? Political Geography, 25(4), 361-382. ‌
87. Gleick, P. H. (1994). Water, war & peace in the Middle East. Environment. science and policy for sustainable development, 36(3), 6-42. ‌
89. Gleick, P. H., (2014). Water, drought, climate change, and conflict in Syria. Weather. climate, and society, 6(3), 331-340.
91. http://gis.nace.org.
92. IPCC, (2022). Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York,
93. Julien, F. (2012). Hydropolitics is what societies make of it (or why we need a constructivist approach to the geopolitics of water). International Journal of Sustainable Society, 4(1-2), 45-71. ‌
95. Kaviani Rad, M. (2019). Hydro politics, strains and approaches. Tehran: Research in statute of strategic studies. (In Persian).
96. Kaviani Rad, M., & Sadrania., H. (2020). Hydro politics, the future research of hydro political relations between Iran and Afghanistan in Harirrood watershed. Tehran: Research in statute of strategic studies. (In Persian).
97. Kehl, J. R., (2011), Hydropolitical complexes and asymmetrical power: Conflict, cooperation, and governance of international river systems, Journal of World-Systems Research, 218-235.
99. Lautze, S., E. Stites, N. Nojumi., & F. Najimi. (2002). Qaht-e-Pool-A cash famine: Food insecurity in Afghanistan 1999-2002. Feinstein International Famine Center Rep., 61 pp.
100. Madani, K. (2014). Water management in Iran: what is causing the looming crisis. Journal of environmental studies and sciences, 4(1) 315-328. ‌
102. Madani, K., AghaKouchak, A., & Mirchi, A. (2016). Iran's socio-economic drought: challenges of a water-bankrupt nation. Iranian studies, 49(6), 997-1016. ‌ 193-207. doi:10.4236/acs.2013.32021.
103. Mansouri Daneshvar, M. R., Ebrahimi, M., & Nejadsoleymani, H. (2019). An overview of climate change in Iran: facts and statistics. Environmental Systems Research, 8(1), 1-10. ‌
105. Mirumachi, N., Allan, J. A. (2007). Revisiting transboundary water governance: Power, conflict cooperation and the political economy. In Proceedings from CAIWA international conference on adaptive and integrated water management: Coping with scarcity. Basel, Switzerland.
106. Nagheeby, m., & warner, j. (2018). The geopolitical overlay of the hydropolitics of the harried river basin. international environmental agreements: politics, law and economic, 18(1), 839-860.
108. Pilehvar, A., (2021). Spatial-geographical analysis of urbanization in Iran. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 1-12. ‌
110. Rahi, K. A., Al-Madhhachi, A. S. T., & Al-Hussaini, S. N. (2019). Assessment of surface water resources of eastern Iraq. Hydrology, 6(3), 57.
112. Sadoff, C. W., & Grey, D., (2002). Beyond the river: the benefits of cooperation on international rivers. Water policy, 4(5), 389-403.
114. Saemian, P., Tourian, M. J., AghaKouchak, A., Madani, K., Sneeuw, N. (2022). How much water did Iran lose over the last two decades. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 41(1), 1-23.
116. ‌Turton, A., Henwood., R. (2002), Hydropolitics in the developing world: A Southern African perspective: IWMI.
117. Varady, R., Gerlak, A., & Haverland, A. (2009). Hydro solidarity and international water governance. International Negotiation, 14(2), 311-328. ‌
118. Varol, M., & Şen, B. (2012). Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena, 92, 1-10.
120. Warner, J. (2012). Three lenses on water war, peace and hegemonic struggle on the Nile. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 4(1-2), 173-193. ‌
122. Wei, Y., wei, J., Wu, Sh., Yu, D., Ghoreish, M., Lu, Y., Souza, F., Sivapaalan, M., Tian, F. (2022). Asocio hydrological framework for undersboundary rivers. hydrology and earth system sciences. 26(8). 2131-2146.
124. Westing, A. H. (1986). Global resources and international conflict: environmental factors in strategic policy and action: Oxford University Press on Demand. ‌
125. Wolf, A. T. (2007). Shared waters: Conflict and cooperation. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour, 32, 241-269. httpss://doi.org/10.116/anurev. Energy.32.041006.101434.
126. Yaseen, Z. M., Sulaiman, S. O., & Sharif, A. (2021). The Nature of Tigris-Euphrates Rivers Flow: Current Status and Future Prospective. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Their Environment from Headwaters to Mouth, 2(1), 229-242.
128. Yeganeh, Y., & Bakhshandeh, E. (2022). Iran's model of water diplomacy to promote cooperation and prevent conflict over transboundary rivers in Southwest Asia. World Affairs, 185(2), 331-358.
129. Yoffe, S., Wolf, A. T., & Giordano, M., (2003). Conflict and cooperation over international freshwater resources: Indicators of basins at risr 1. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 39(5), 1109-1126.
131. Zeitoun, M., & Warner, J., (2006). Hydro-hegemony-a framework for analysis of trans-boundary water conflicts. Water policy, 8(5), 435-460. ‌
133. Zeitoun, M., Mirumachi, N., & Warner, J. (2011). Transboundary water interaction II: The influence of 'soft 'power. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 11, 159-178.
135. آفتابی، زکیه؛ کاویانی راد، مراد؛ کاردان مقدم حمید (1402). تبیین سناریوهای فراروی مناسبات هیدروپلیتیک رودخانه های مرزی ایران و عراق، مدیریت آب و آبیاری، 13(2): 507- 487. 10.22059/JWIM.2023.351144. 1032.
136. کاویانی‌راد، مراد (1399). هیدروپلیتیک: سویه‌ها و رویکردها. تهران: انتشارات پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردی.
137. کاویانی راد، مراد؛ صدرانیا، حسن (1400). هیدروپلیتیک: آینده پژوهی مناسبات هیدروپلیتیک ایران و افغانستان در حوضه آبریز هریررود. تهران: انتشارات پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردی.
138. References
139. Abd-El mooty, M., mansoh, R., & abdulhadi, A. (2016). Accelerating the words research. Hydrology current research, 7(4). 1-8. 10. 4172/2157-7587.1000260.
140. Aftabi, Z., Kaviani Rad, M., & Kardan Moghadam, H. (2023). Explaning the future scenarios of the hydro political relations of the border rivers of Iran and Iraq. Water and irrigation management, 13(2), 487- 507. (in pearsian). 10.22059/JWIM.2023.351144.1032.
141. Agrawal, S., Barlow, M., Cullen, H., & Lyon, B. (2001). The drought and humanitarian crisis in central and southwest Asia: A climate perspective. IRI Rep. 1(11), 1-24.
142. Al-ansari, N.A., Ali, A., & Knutson, S. (2014). present conditions a future challenges of water resources problems in Iraq, journal of water resource and protection, 6(1), 1066-1098.
143. Andreassen, S., Randers, I., Ternulf Nyhlin, K., & Mattiasson, A. C. (2007). A meta-analysis of qualitative studies on living with oesophageal and clinically similar forms of cancer, seen from the perspective of patients and family members. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2(2), 114-127.
144. Barlow, M., & Hoel, A. (2015). Drought in the middle east and central- south west Asia during winter. Journal article, 96(12), 71-76. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26233144.
145. Barlow, m., zaitchik, b., paz, s., black, e., elansi, j & hell, a. (2016). A review of drought in the middle east and southwest asia, Journal of climate. 29(33). 8547- 8574.
146. Bijnens, T. (2021). Hydrologic Structures in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin and Their Impact on the Vitality of the Marshes. In Southern Iraq's Marshes. Their Environment and Conservation, 113-125.
147. Bréthaut, C., Ezbakhe, F., McCracken, M., Wolf, A., & Dalton, J. (2022). Exploring discursive hydropolitics: A conceptual framework and research agenda. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 38(3), 464-479. ‌
148. Brethaut, C., Ezbakhe, F., Mccracken, M., Wolf, A., & Paltoun, J. (2022), Exploring discursive hydro politics: a conceptual framework and research agenda. International journal of water resources development. 38(1): 464-479.
149. Cooley, J. K. (1984). The war over water. Foreign Policy, 54(1), 3-26. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1148352 .
150. De Stefano, L., Edwards, P., De Silva, L., & Wolf, A. T. (2010). Tracking cooperation and conflict in international basins: Historic and recent trends. Water Policy, 12(6), 871-884.
151. Dolatyar, M., & Gray, T.S. (2000). the politics of water scarcity in the middle east. environmental politics, 9(1): 65-88.
152. Dombrowsky, I. (2009). Revisiting the potential for benefit sharing in the management of trans-boundary rivers. Water Policy, 11(2), 125-140. ‌
153. Gerlak, A., Varady, R; Haverland, A. (2009). Hydrosolidarity and international water governance. international negotioation. 14(1): 311-328.
154. Gleditsch, N. P., Furlong, K., Hegre, H., Lacina, B., Owen, T., (2006). Conflicts over shared rivers: Resource scarcity or fuzzy boundaries? Political Geography, 25(4), 361-382. ‌
155. Gleick, P. H. (1994). Water, war & peace in the Middle East. Environment. science and policy for sustainable development, 36(3), 6-42. ‌
156. Gleick, P. H., (2014). Water, drought, climate change, and conflict in Syria. Weather. climate, and society, 6(3), 331-340.
158. http://gis.nace.org.
159. IPCC, (2022). Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, M. Tignor, E.S. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Craig, S. Langsdorf, S. Löschke, V. Möller, A. Okem, B. Rama (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York,
160. Julien, F. (2012). Hydropolitics is what societies make of it (or why we need a constructivist approach to the geopolitics of water). International Journal of Sustainable Society, 4(1-2), 45-71. ‌
161. Kaviani Rad, M. (2019). Hydro politics, strains and approaches. Tehran: Research in statute of strategic studies. (In Persian).
162. Kaviani Rad, M., & Sadrania., H. (2020). Hydro politics, the future research of hydro political relations between Iran and Afghanistan in Harirrood watershed. Tehran: Research in statute of strategic studies. (In Persian).
163. Kehl, J. R., (2011), Hydropolitical complexes and asymmetrical power: Conflict, cooperation, and governance of international river systems, Journal of World-Systems Research, 218-235.
164. Lautze, S., E. Stites, N. Nojumi., & F. Najimi. (2002). Qaht-e-Pool-A cash famine: Food insecurity in Afghanistan 1999-2002. Feinstein International Famine Center Rep., 61 pp.
165. Madani, K. (2014). Water management in Iran: what is causing the looming crisis. Journal of environmental studies and sciences, 4(1) 315-328. ‌
166. Madani, K., AghaKouchak, A., & Mirchi, A. (2016). Iran's socio-economic drought: challenges of a water-bankrupt nation. Iranian studies, 49(6), 997-1016. ‌ 193-207.
167. Mansouri Daneshvar, M. R., Ebrahimi, M., & Nejadsoleymani, H. (2019). An overview of climate change in Iran: facts and statistics. Environmental Systems Research, 8(1), 1-10. ‌
169. Mirumachi, N., Allan, J. A. (2007). Revisiting transboundary water governance: Power, conflict cooperation and the political economy. In Proceedings from CAIWA international conference on adaptive and integrated water management: Coping with scarcity. Basel, Switzerland.
170. Nagheeby, m., & warner, j. (2018). The geopolitical overlay of the hydropolitics of the harried river basin. international environmental agreements: politics, law and economic, 18(1), 839-860.
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176. Saemian, P., Tourian, M. J., AghaKouchak, A., Madani, K., Sneeuw, N. (2022). How much water did Iran lose over the last two decades. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 41(1), 1-23.
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241. Nagheeby, m., & warner, j. (2018). The geopolitical overlay of the hydropolitics of the harried river basin. international environmental agreements: politics, law and economic, 18(1), 839-860.
243. Pilehvar, A., (2021). Spatial-geographical analysis of urbanization in Iran. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 1-12. ‌
245. Rahi, K. A., Al-Madhhachi, A. S. T., & Al-Hussaini, S. N. (2019). Assessment of surface water resources of eastern Iraq. Hydrology, 6(3), 57.
247. Sadoff, C. W., & Grey, D., (2002). Beyond the river: the benefits of cooperation on international rivers. Water policy, 4(5), 389-403.
249. Saemian, P., Tourian, M. J., AghaKouchak, A., Madani, K., Sneeuw, N. (2022). How much water did Iran lose over the last two decades. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 41(1), 1-23.
251. ‌Turton, A., Henwood., R. (2002), Hydropolitics in the developing world: A Southern African perspective: IWMI.
252. Varady, R., Gerlak, A., & Haverland, A. (2009). Hydro solidarity and international water governance. International Negotiation, 14(2), 311-328. ‌
253. Varol, M., & Şen, B. (2012). Assessment of nutrient and heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments of the upper Tigris River, Turkey. Catena, 92, 1-10.
255. Warner, J. (2012). Three lenses on water war, peace and hegemonic struggle on the Nile. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 4(1-2), 173-193. ‌
257. Wei, Y., wei, J., Wu, Sh., Yu, D., Ghoreish, M., Lu, Y., Souza, F., Sivapaalan, M., Tian, F. (2022). Asocio hydrological framework for undersboundary rivers. hydrology and earth system sciences. 26(8). 2131-2146.
259. Westing, A. H. (1986). Global resources and international conflict: environmental factors in strategic policy and action: Oxford University Press on Demand. ‌
260. Wolf, A. T. (2007). Shared waters: Conflict and cooperation. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour, 32, 241-269. httpss://doi.org/10.116/anurev. Energy.32.041006.101434.
261. Yaseen, Z. M., Sulaiman, S. O., & Sharif, A. (2021). The Nature of Tigris-Euphrates Rivers Flow: Current Status and Future Prospective. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Their Environment from Headwaters to Mouth, 2(1), 229-242.
263. Yeganeh, Y., & Bakhshandeh, E. (2022). Iran's model of water diplomacy to promote cooperation and prevent conflict over transboundary rivers in Southwest Asia. World Affairs, 185(2), 331-358.
264. Yoffe, S., Wolf, A. T., & Giordano, M., (2003). Conflict and cooperation over international freshwater resources: Indicators of basins at risr 1. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 39(5), 1109-1126.
266. Zeitoun, M., & Warner, J., (2006). Hydro-hegemony-a framework for analysis of trans-boundary water conflicts. Water policy, 8(5), 435-460. ‌
268. Zeitoun, M., Mirumachi, N., & Warner, J. (2011). Transboundary water interaction II: The influence of 'soft 'power. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 11, 159-178.

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