Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)                   jgs 2024, 24(74): 134-153 | Back to browse issues page

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Alizadeh T, Rezaei Banafsheh M, Rostamzadeh H, Goodarzi G, Maleki H, Alizadeh H. (2024). Detection and simulation of Kermanshah dust storm using HYSPLIT and WRF-chem models. jgs. 24(74), 134-153. doi:10.61186/jgs.24.74.8
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3858-en.html
1- PhD student in meteorology, Department of Meteorology, Faculty of Planning and Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
2- Professor of Meteorology, Department of Meteorology, Faculty of Planning and Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran , mrbanafsheh@yahoo.com
3- Assistant Professor of Meteorology, Department of Meteorology, Faculty of Planning and Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
4- Associate Professor of Health and Environmental Engineering, Air Pollution and Respiratory Diseases Research Center, Department of Health and Environmental Engineering, School of Health, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
5- Master of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Water Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
6- Master student of Meteorology, Department of Meteorology, Faculty of Geography, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (4900 Views)
The aim of this study was to identify the epicenter and co-occurrence factors of dust storm wave from 1 to 3 November 2017 in Kermanshah. To investigate the synoptic conditions of the causes of this phenomenon, from the European Central Center (ESMWF) mid-term weather forecast data set with a resolution of 0.125 degrees of arc including, geopotential height, omega, sea level pressure, orbital and meridional components, humidity. The Lagrangian method of HYSPLIT model was used to orient the source of dust particles. in this study, dust storm WRF-chem was simulated using a paired numerical weather forecasting model. Finally, through the processing of MODIS satellite images, its scope was determined. Examination of HYSPLIT tracking maps shows that two general paths for dust transfer to the area can be identified. 1- The northwest-southeast route, which passes through dust cores formed in the deserts of Iraq and Syria, transports dust to the western half of Iran. 2- Southwest to west of Iran and Kermanshah, which is the main source of dust on November 2 and 3, The source of the particles is Kuwait, northern Saudi Arabia and part of Iraq. The spatial distribution of the dust interpreted by the MODIS sensor images is consistent with the spatial distribution of the dust concentration simulated by the WRF-chem model.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: climatology

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