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Hamid Dorj, Reza Simbar, Ahmad Ansiz,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

As China's economic, technological and military power continues to rise, the US is increasingly concerned about Beijing's rising power. The United States views China's regional rise as a challenge to its hegemonic ambitions. China's increasing military power and political influence in East Asia has caused concern and suspicion among some of its neighbors and Washington. In the meantime, America for reasons such as; Countering the rise of China and supporting the freedom of navigation in this region has an active presence. Washington's effort to challenge China's maritime sovereignty reflects the United States' concern about China's rise and its determination to maintain its hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region. This causes the United States to try to create a ring of encirclement against China and contain it regionally and ultimately prevent the change of the balance of power to the detriment of Washington in East Asia. Thus, the research question is, what strategy does America follow to contain China's power in the South China Sea? The hypothesis that can be proposed is that considering that China's economic growth and the expansion of its maritime power are considered a strategic threat to the countries of the region and the United States; Therefore, Washington to prevent China from becoming a regional hegemon in East Asia; In an effort to prevent the rise and rise of China in the region, it has been found that this, while forming the balance of power in favor of Washington and its regional allies in East Asia, can help to secure the goals and interests of the United States in the region. Preventing China's rise to power and the containment and isolation of this country in the region, while shaping the balance of power in favor of Washington and its regional allies in East Asia, can greatly contribute to the development of influence and securing the goals and interests of the United States and its allies in the region.

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