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Showing 5 results for Locating

Fariba Esfandiari , Soghra Jedi Gheshlagh Ilkhchi , Elnaz Piroozi,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

ncompatibility natural environment in the areas of urban development can create various hazards as well as to provide natural, natural bed is capable of  In relation to climatic factors and soil, slope, climate and restrictions on the physical development of cities, the (Shia, 1369: 68). That threaten the lives of a lot of financial damage, so that a reduction in development processes and precludes the formation of the development process are stable. As a result of the planned development is greater than ever The development of the city due to factors such orientation should be Along with minimum harm to the environment is physical development. One is a Germi city of Ardabil province in the northwest and north of the province of Ardabil between ˚39 '10 - ˚38 '50 to the north of the Equator and ˚47 '25  - ˚48 '12 east of the Greenwich meridian. The city has a total area of square kilometers which is equivalent to 9.6 percent of 1725/ 2is Ardabil. The city due to its geographical location and placed on the steep and mountainous zone has numerous limitations. Therefore, investigating and analyzing natural phenomena and human factors area and will ultimately provide control measures and logical approach and limits of this process is essential. Therefore, in this study, We try to be as natural and human phenomena and limitations arising from the possibility of them have been studied in relation to the development of the Germi city And ways to determine optimal physical development of the city.

Doctor Maryam Ilanloo, Sir Hosein Bicgarian, Sir Mohsen Yahya Soltani, Sir Mohammad Mehdi Bahramian,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

Solid waste is an integral part of human life, generation of various quantities and qualities of which is one of the greatest environmental problems of the current era. Application of modern tools and technology to find the right place for recycling, where the volume of recyclable materials can be reduced, seems vital for reusing the recoverable materials contained in normal waste and their recycling and reusing in the cycle of industry. The study aimed to find a location for recycling and its converting industries in Kelardasht, Iran. This was a descriptive and analytical research with a survey approach. At first, experts of the field were recognized and a scientific panel was formed to identify the relevant criteria through Delphi method. In this respect, five criteria of the distance from residential and commercial areas, the distance from urban streets, the distance from the river, the distance from the hospital and education centers, and the distance from hotels, banks, and offices were selected. After that, the permitted distances for these criteria were determined by Delphi technique, followed by the application of the centroid method to determine the exact distances. Moreover, the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and geographic information system (GIS) were exploited to determine the and use weights in raster maps and generation of the zoning map. Furthermore, the best locations for recycling were selected in Kelardasht using field survey method and based on the zoning map. According to the results, four sites were selected for recycling of recoverable solid waste in this region

Parviz Kardavani, Farideh Asadian, Mr Mohammad Reza Fallah,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

The irregular exploitation of groundwater aquifers in Shahriyar Plain has caused the drop of ground-water level in the region. Artificial nourishment of aquifers can increase the size of ground-water storage, reduce its level drop, and also prevent the advance of brine and drying of the aqueducts. In this study, we tried to integrate GIS and Boolean logic in order to identify the best areas for artificial recharge in Shahriar Plain. So, the seven factors (slope, permeability, thickness of alluvium, portability, both drop zones, land use and electrical conductivity) of water samples were specified in GIS and then respective maps were prepared. Then, using the acquired weight of each layer, maps for each weighted factors of locating were integrated. Using Boolean logic, final maps were prepared in two classes: suitable and unsuitable. Finally, the best place for the implementation of artificial recharge of aquifers in the region was identified. Results indicated that the suitable regions mostly lie in areas with slopes less than 3 % and that they are mostly near Chitgar river.

Dr Mostafa Mirabadi, Mr Hosein Nazari, Dr Sadegh Besharatifar,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

One of the key measures in the passive defense debate Critical facilities and facilities not to be hidden, sensitive and important is choosing the right place for them. Given the complexity of the problems Related to choosing the right place for creating custom applications various factors must be considered. The purpose of this study was applied and considering that specific method has been used to identify optimal locations for prison location which is less used, it is considered a development and is, from a methodological point of view, an analytical descriptive research. The method of data gathering is documentary and field. In this research 14 criteria have been used to locate ideal zones for prison establishment. So tools and software like software Arc GIS In order to store, manage, process and analyze data And also the AHP model In the form of software Expert Choice, Depending on the purpose of the study and the type of criteria, Various functions such as distance function, slope function, slope direction function and digital model function Height in software Arc GIS They are used to create maps. The results of locating operations were to identify different zones in the city of Doganbadan Finally, considering the distance dimension and access status of the zones, four optimal zones were introduced. These zones (with total area of ​​5382 square kilometers) surrounded by the village of Talkhab, respectively, of the village of Gardanqalat, around the village of Dezsoleiman and the village of Baba Muhammad.
Zahra Heidari, Asadolah Heqazi, Shahram Rostaei, Siros Fakhri,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

Given Iran's ongoing role in the Middle East and the constant threat of external threats, it is imperative that I take action on the critical and important steps of my country Of the measures that can prevent the occurrence of malignancies , Kermanshah region due to its geographical location and proximity to Iraq as well as its complex morphology include high mountainous lands, relatively wide valleys and plains, geological structural diversity and With the immediate approach, Identify these natural features It creates the right places With passive defense approach To establish these centers. In this research, the research tools are surveyed topographic maps, geology and satellite and aerial images of the area as well as interviews with experts identifying the effective factors in locating critical and important centers with emphasis on passive defense..And after identifying them using AHP (Multi Criteria Decision Making Models) in order to compare the criteria has been analyzed. Also according to the final map based on geomorphological factors in ARC- GIS software environment The area of optimum area for the location of critical and sensitive areas in the northern part is greater than the soothe In other words, the geomorphologic features of the region in the northern and eastern parts of the region are more favorable than those in the western and southern regions for the optimal location of sensitive and important sites.

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