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Showing 17 results for saligheh

Farzad Shirzad, Mr Bohlol Alijani, Mehry Akbary, Mohammad Saligheh,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Climate change and global warming are very important issues of the present century. Climate change process, especially temperature and precipitation changes, the most important issue is environmental science. Climate change means a change in the long-term average. Iran is located in the subtropical high pressure zone in arid and semi-arid regions and the Hyrcanian forest is a green area between the Caspian Sea and the Alborz mountain range. At the 43rd UNESCO Summit, the Hyrcanian forests were registered as the second natural heritage of Iran. Beech is one of the most important tree species and the most industrial species of Hyrcanian forests It accounts for about 18 percent of the northern forest volume (from Astara to Gorgan with a life span of about 250 years). The study area is located in the Shanderman basin in western Guilan province. In this research using tree dendroclimatology, Use of vegetative width of beech tree rings, Weather station statistics located in the study area, And Mann-Kendall nonparametric statistical method, To Investigate Climate Change Trend on Growth Time Series and Pearson Statistical Method, in order to evaluate the correlation of diameter growth of beech tree rings with climate variables in the region, an attempt was made. Results of time series of beech tree growth rings over 202 years. Using the nonparametric method Mann- Kendall showed, Changes in growth rings of beech trees have a downward and negative trend, at level 5 %, it was significant. Temperature Minimum, Average, Maximum, and Evaporation during the growing season, there was an upward trend and Annual precipitation there was a downward trend. Using the Pearson method Fit correlation of growth ring diameter with temperature, For the average monthly in February and the average minimum temperature in July, August and September and Negative correlation, for average maximum temperature in February, July, August and September at 95% level, it was significant and precipitation in June, the correlation was 95% positive and significant.

Mohammad Radman, Mohammad Saligheh, Mohammad Hossein Naserzadeh,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

In order to comprehend the water flow characteristics and variations of the Karun River, we examined the Zaz, Bazoft, and Beshar sub-basins from its main branches. The reason for choosing these basins was the proximity to the catchment centers of the Middle Zagros and their location upstream of the dams.
 Iran Water Resources Management Company provided all the required data (from the water year
1356-57 to 1395-96), and we analyzed them using Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, data skewness, skewness, and Pearson correlation. Then, we performed the linear regression test to determine the effect of temperature and precipitation on river discharge, and they conducted the Mann-Kendall test to identify the trend and jump points. The results of the data analysis showed that all of them are in normal conditions, although they have some elongation and skewness. The Pearson correlation test revealed a correlation between meteorological and hydrometric data.
 The regression model used shows the changes in precipitation and discharge (unlike temperature and discharge) well. The significance number of all stations in the model is less than 0.05, which shows that the changes that occurred between predictor and dependent variables are significant. We see the high performance of the model in explaining the changes in discharge compared to precipitation. According to the regression charts, the decreasing trend of precipitation and discharge and increasing temperature are clear in all three basins.
The Mann-Kendall test reveals a significant trend of increasing temperature in Bazeft and Bashar basins, a decreasing trend of discharge in Bazeft and Bashar basins, and a decreasing trend of precipitation in Zaz and Bazoft basins.except for the temperature of the Zaz basin, all variables show mutations in mutation basins.

Esmaeail Ahmadi, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Bohlol Alijani, Mohammad Saligheh, Hassan Danaie Fard,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

The more exposure to Climate change / variability, the more vulnerability and a community with low adaptive capacity and high sensitivity is more vulnerable. Vulnerability reduction depends on adaptation policy and strategies. Designing and assessing these strategies require climate vulnerability (CV) measuring. To produce a new CV index, as a main propose of this study, first: The score of exposure factor for two five span years was calculated based on four synoptic stations data (Zabol, Zahedan, Iranshahr and Chabahar). Second: The scores of adaptive capacity and climate sensitivity were determined using all of the country census and yearbook data for 1385 and 1390. Third: Due to the nature and factors of vulnerability, a climate vulnerability index was developed based on the multiplicative-exponential model (CVIMEM). Forth: The index was calculated for the province and sub regions. The result shows, although the Sistan and Baluchistan (SB) adaptation capacity was increased, but because of the increased exposure and sensitivity, this province is 16.3% more vulnerable. Area with very high vulnerability label expanded from 57.5% to 100%, which reflects the spatial expansion of vulnerability over SB. The overall result is that vulnerability reduction needs for accurate and continuous measurement, on the increase adaptation capacity and mitigate climate sensitivity.
Hakimeh Behboudi, Mohammad Saligheh, Ali Bayat, Akram Zakeri, Fatemeh Jamali,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Understanding weather zoning and knowing homogeneous climate regions are essential for land use and regional planning. The aim of this study was to compare three different geographical climate of Iran, the Caspian coastal, mountainous and arid interior of the provinces of Mazandaran, Semnan, Tehran, Qazvin, Qom, and Markazi. In order to do this study, climatic data of 56 synoptic and climatology stations and 19 climatic elements were used by using cluster analysis and factor analysis models. For this purpose, a matrix with dimensions of 56 x 19 and the R configuration and as a database was used for segmentation. By applying factor analysis based on principal components analysis with Varimax orthogonal rotation it was determined that in the climate of these three regions, four factors of humidity, temperature, dust and thunderstorms are affecting more than 85% of the total variance of the climate of this region. The hierarchical cluster analysis method and integration into the matrix of factor scores, four main and several sub-region areas were identified.The main areas are hot, dry desert area, ​​low rainfall mountain slopes, the mountainous and cold and semi-rainy regions and high rainfall and finally the moderate high rainfall. The study of four areas and their local and regional conditions shows that the neighborhood with humidity source such as the Caspian Sea and rough configurations such Alborz Mountains play a decisive role in the formation of north sub-areas.
Yadollah Balyani, Mohammad Saligheh, Hossein Asakereh, Mohammad Hossein Nasserzadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)

Precipitation is one of the most intractable elements. The oscillating behavior of the crucial environmental planning (explicit and tacit knowledge of the behavior), is the key variable. Spectrum analysis techniques to understand the behavior of overt or covert methods suitable for the extraction and analysis of climate oscillations with different wave lengths. The size range of the distribution variance across all wave lengths may provide time series. In this study, data from 37 stations Heleh and Mond watershed (both rain and synoptic) from its inception until 2011,  who had over 30 years of data, to analyze the cycle of annual rainfall, interest has been taken. So that the space is 3-2 year cycles in every area of study, the highest annual rainfall events are returned. On this basis, the Story of annual precipitation 95 percent for each of the stations under study and cycle meaningful estimate of the time series of basin data were extracted.
Mohsen Hamidianpour, Abass Mofidi, Mohammad Saligheh, Bohloul Alijani,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (16 2016)

In this study, the interaction between atmosphere and earth surface and its effect on the simulation of Sistan wind structure in the East of Iranian plateau is investigated. For this purpose, four experiments have been carried out with RegCM4, with horizontal resolution of 20 km. In non-topography experiments, the model was implemented in three different conditions. The results indicated that the Sistan wind is a multi-scale climate phenomenon which will be affected by topography both in wind intensity and in wind direction in the lower troposphere. In the synoptic scale, the pressure gradient which dominates between Pakistan heat low and the Turkmenistan anticyclone (Caspian Sea high pressure) can create a large scale background northerly flow in the lower troposphere which will be passing through the whole area in the east of Iranian Plateau. Furthermore, in meso to regional scales, the topography of the area would be responsible for creation and maintenance of a Low Level Jet (LLJ) through a mechanical and thermal forcing. the mechanical forcing of mountains are responsible for appearance of two LLJ cores across eastern borders of Iran which their preference locations would be around Atishan Desert in the north and upstream of Hamon Lake in the south. As a general result, by eliminating the topography in all non-topography experiments, the LLJ core will disappear on upstream of Hamon Lake as the most important mechanical forcing of the mountains. However, eliminating only the southern Khorasan Mountains will accelerate the north LLJ core in the Atishan Desert, while the LLJ core on the upstream of Hamon Lake will disappear over the Iran Borders at the same time. To evaluate the influence of thermal forcing of the mountains on Sistan wind structure, the total heating, as a residual term of thermodynamic equation, is calculated. The results indicate that mountains have a significant role to building a local low level circulation in the east of Iranian Plateau.

Mohammad Saligheh, Mohammad Hossein Nasserzadeh, Thmineh Chehreara Ziabari,
Volume 16, Issue 43 (16 2016)

In this research, the relationship between NCPI and CACO indices with autumn precipitation of Southern Coast of Caspian Sea (SCCS) was investigated. In this regard, two sets of data were used (Aphrodite and Station). And the days with more rainfall than long-term average rainfall station and on condition that the rainfall is more than 70% of the region rainfall, were chosen as a day of widespread rainfall. The sea level pressure data was extracted and by cluster analysis and coalition method was clustered. Then, a representative of the widespread precipitation days from station dataset was selected, investigated and analyzed accordingly. The results state that within all patterns there exists a high pressure on the upper side of the Caspian Sea, or a margin of high pressure is extended on to the sea itself. These high pressure regions have relatively cold nature that can cause currents in the northern direction while intersecting with the relatively warm water during the summer. These currents can absorb moisture during their motion towards south which can lead to their instability. In addition, one should not forget the fact that in each three investigated patterns, dynamic factors at high levels have intensified the abovementioned phenomenon and enhanced the instability, which as a result brought about widespread precipitation. Continuously, the abovementioned Remote bond indices were extracted on a daily basis and their relation to north coast widespread rainfalls was studied, which came to a meaningful relationship between these index sets and fall index sets. The relationship is direct with NCPI or surveyed stations, and it’s an inverse relationship with CACO. On the other hand, the study of indexes anomalies on the days without rainfall and with rainfall was done by One Way ANOVA and Tukey test. The result was a meaningful index anomaly on the days with and without rainfall.

Naseh Qaderi, Bohloul Alijani, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mohammad Saligheh,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

Wheat is the main focus of the economy of Kurdistan province in which the annual fluctuation of wheat yield is 4/11 times as affected by the climatic elements of the site. This study investigated the role of agro-climatic variables and indices on rainfed wheat yield in Kurdistan province. The data of planting area, amount of production, damages and yield of wheat of 31-year in 10 regions of Kurdistan along with the hourly, daily, decade, monthly, seasonal and yearly levels data of 22 synoptic stations were collected. The correlation between wheat yield and 128 independent variables was calculated. The effect of variables on yield evaluated by multivariate regression. The spatial analysis of variables was performed and the spatial model of wheat yield was introduced for province and regions. The results showed that climatic elements in various regions are different, in a 99% confidence. Most of the independent variables alone have a significant effect on wheat yield, but in the stepwise model, 7 variables such as: the number of rainy days of the year, the sum of the degree hours (of temperature less than -11 ° C) in germination and tilling stage, annual precipitation and the precipitation of November are determinants of the yield. Yield and effective independent variables have significant spatial differences even in a cluster climate type. The highest and lowest coefficient of variation of wheat yield is related to Bijar and Kamyaran areas, respectively. Kamyaran and Sanandaj regions have the highest and lowest yield, respectively. Bijar is the highest risk region of the province for wheat production.

The results of this study showed that with a 99 percent confidence, climatic elements (variables) vary in different regions. Most of the independent variables have a significant effect on wheat yield in simple linear regression, but in Stepwise method, due to the internal correlation between variables, just variables entered that have insignificant correlation with each other and have more effects than other variables. The variables affecting the performance are differentin various regions, and from the point of view of effectiveness, the arrangement of the variables in different areas vary too. In other words, even in two regions with a climatic type (based on the Modified De Martonne method), both agro-climatic indices and wheat yield are significantly different. The impact of effective variables on yield at any time and place depends on the time of year and the phonological stage of wheat. At one time the environmental conditions of different regions in terms of temperature, humidity and precipitation differ, based on phonological stages of the regions. The time of the vulnerability of wheat varies from place to place. Wheat vulnerability at flowering stage is more than other stages. The effect of independent variables on yield at different times of year is proportional to the phonological stage in years Different and different in different regions. In Kurdistan province, the number of rainy days of the year, total degree hours the temperature reaches below -11 °C (sum of hours with below -11 °C temperature) from germination to tillering stage, the annual precipitation, the rainfall in the fifth decade of the water year (the precipitation of 11-20 of November), annual relative humidity and total degree hours the temperature reaches above 30°Ctemperature (sum of hours with above 30 °C temperature) in milky and dough stage is the determinants of the production of rainfed wheat. In Baneh and Marivan areas, the coefficient of variation (CV) is lower and in Bijar and Divandareh regions CV is more than other regions. Kamyaran region has the highest yield, Baneh and Marivan were ranked secondjointly. Sanandaj and then Bijarhave the lowest yield. Each region has a model for wheat yield and determinant factors vary from region to region. Although the annual production of Bijar is higher than other areas, wheat production in the Bijar region has a higher risk than other areas.

Tayebeh Dehghani, Mohammad Saligheh, Bohloul Alijani,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

In order to detect climate change, a variety of climate indicators can be used which is often considered temperature and precipitation. In order to investigate the effect of climate change on the amount of precipitation in the north coast of the Persian Gulf, it simulated the precipitable water for 2017-2050 based on the RCP4.5 model of the Hadcm3 model. The NCEP / NCAR base-station data with an arc-value of 0.125 was used to analyze the past and present precipitable water patterns and to reveal the process of this time series. Time series analysis of precipitable water was performed using two SENS tilt estimators and Man-Kendall test. The results indicated that the annual time series of rain water was increasing in the region, every year, 0.05 mm, the precipitated water increased and it tended to become more homogeneous, this increase in the significance level of 0.95. The precipitation rate in the eastern part of the region was higher than other areas. Before 1989, several fluctuations were observed in the rainy season of precipitable water, but none was statistically significant at the confidence level of 95%, but since 1989, the trend has increased significantly at a confidence level of 0.95. This spatial behavior of precipitable water can actually have occurred in response to the increase in the overall temperature of the area and can be considered as a profile of climate change in the region.

Mr Ali Mohammadpourzeidi, Professor Bohloul Alijani, Associate Professor of Climatology Mohammad Saligheh, Mr Mohammadsaleh Gerami,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

owledge of spatial rainfall behavior in environmental, land planning is effective. These changes in the later place in the form of time later and in the climate of the area. The Target of this study was to reveal the presence or absence of precipitation trend in the ratio of the height of local precipitation behavior and identify province mazandarn. Therefore, the purpose of the rainfall data station 32 (Meteorological Agency and Department of energy), the statistical period 1988-2010. To get the regression analysis of precipitation process was used to identify the local behavior of precipitation, the method of spatial statistics were used. The results obtained from the behavior of precipitation, the existence of the process within the scope of the study and the emphasis is most consistent with the Be modified regression model at adjustment indicate. According to the regional behavior of precipitation, using local spatial statistics, spatial Moran well hot spots check this behavior. The results showed that precipitation in the province of Mazandaran has the pattern of clusters with high value. According to the local hot spots and methods Moran, West Coast up to a height of 700 m has positive z score and clusters with high value, 99% confidence level. This range includes 15% of the total of the province. The range of the Southern Highlands as well as the negative z score and clusters with low value with a confidence level shows 99%. This range is also about 20 per cent of the province's total. About 65 percent of the total area of the province as well as the lack of a significant trend show.

Mojtaba Shahnazari, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mohammad Saligheh,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)

In this research, while studying climate conditions in the current period and analyzing changes in temperature, precipitation level, and the sunlight received, current conditions were also analyzed based on daily data from synoptic stations in the region, which had meteorological data recorded for at least 30 years. Given the environmental conditions necessary for the growth of rice, the availability of its phenological data, its high-low temperature thresholds, the Degree Day systems needed for the completion of its life cycle, and the phenological processes related to its economic production, a suitable agricultural calendar was specified. During the March-July period, this calendar showed variations in different provinces. Based on the current temperature conditions and the probable continued warming trend of the planet in the decades to come, nwoDscale was applied to the output from the atmospheric general circulation model MCdaH3 under  scenario using LARS-WG5 model. In this study, years between 1969 and 1990 were used as the base period, while years between 2046 and 2065 were studied as the future period. Temperature and precipitation conditions for the future period were simulated. Obtained output was then studied and compared with temperature conditions that were suitable for the plant to grow in the region. With some differences, results showed that the agricultural calendar for rice in Gilan and Mazandaran provinces will shift to winter. Given the different temperature conditions of Golestan province, its agricultural calendar will shift to spring.
Ali Saadat, Mohamad Saligheh, Mohamadhosin Nassrzadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

The goal of this research is studying the effect of recent climate changes, espeeially heat rise on the amount of effective  rainfall in the lorestan peovince. Effective rainfall is the amount of fall which, after evaporation, is absorbed in the ground. in the USDA method and the us agriculture, the amount of rain abstorbed in a growth perlod of a plant and available for its consumption is called effective raifoll. The results showed that the amouent of rainfall in the first period is more than that of the second. The frequency of raining days got reduced  in the after-climate- change period. Heat got increased in the second period. Evaporation was more in the second period. Relation humidity got decreased in the second compared to the first period, and wind speed increased by studying the process of the data changes, it became evident that climate change leads to the increased inconsistent rainfalls in the studied climate variables indicate that under the effect of climate change , Based on Vibol method, droughts caused by effective rainfalls were calculated, and the probability of effective rainfalls in 5 time periods was accounted for. It was shown that in the years 1369 to 1396, effective rainfall in the region was scarce, so it was very influential. With Dobif Model, effective rainfall was analyzed, and years with the least effective rainfall for dry farming with positive signal, that is, appropriate conditions, and negative, that is, inappropriate conditions were recorded. Based on linear coefficient, rainfall trends in the three stations of Khorramabad, Aligudarz and Borujerd. Geographical distribution analysis of   effective rainfall showed that in the south and south-east of the province, the coefficient of effective rainfall was more than the rest of the province. This coefficient was decreasing when it comes to the south-west of the province. Effective rainfall decrease was more due to increasing evaporation happening in this part. the effective rainfall in the studied region got decreased, therefore, preserving underground water resources, on which natural life depend, should be considered more than ever.

Mahnaz Aziz Ebrahim, Mohammad Saligheh, Mohammad Hossein Nassrzadeh, Bohlol Alijani,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

In this research, we are trying to determine the “beginning time” as well as the “end” of the climatic seasons; and we will focus on identifying the displacement of these dates, which is influenced by the “climate changes” and “descriptionAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate possible changes and displacements in Iran's climatic seasons due to climate change. To do this, temperature, relative humidity, water vapor, wind and cloud data for 36 stations were received from the Meteorological Agency over 40 years. The data were divided into two 20-year series to allow comparison. Daily temperature data for each clustering time series were determined, then by considering 7-day sequences, the beginning and end of the seasons. The designated times were tested using the Rayman model. The results of comparing the seasons in the two time series indicated that in all stations, changes in climatic seasons occurred from Insignificant to significant. Climatic seasons in Iran do not correspond to calendar seasons, and climate change, especially temperature changes in recent decades, has caused the seasons to shift and shorten and lengthen. Although the beginning and end of the seasons do not generally correspond to their calendar dates, most of the days of these seasons occur in its calendar periods. The changes that have taken place have not only affected the length of the seasons, and these shifts have also changed the quality of the natural seasons.
Keywords: Climate change, natural seasons, cluster analysis, Rayman model of the qualitative conditions” created in them, compared to the past climatic periods. “Meteorological Organization” data has been used in this research. Forty years of received data, was divided into two groups of 20. Applying SPSS, each group was divided into four stages representing each seasons. From these stages, the beginning time and the end of seasons were determined and the accuracy of the obtained dates was controlled with the comfort indicators of the Rayman model. The results of the comparison of seasons in two time series indicated that, the changes occurred in natural seasons from an almost non-existent one in all stations. Climatic seasons in Iran are not compatible with the summer season and climate change, especially the change in temperature in recent decades, has caused changes and shortening of seasons. Most of the days in these seasons occur during its monthly periods, although the beginning and end of the seasons generally do not match their calendar dates. Changes have not only affected the duration of the season, and these changes have also led to a change in the natural quality of the season.

Mr Mahmood Hosseinzadeh Kermani, Dr Bohlul Alijani, Dr Zahra Bigom Hejazizadeh, Dr Mohammad Saligheh,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

The main aim of this paper is to determine the capable areas for cultivating pistachio through considering of Geo statistical Analysis the major effective factors. The necessary climatic daily data of weather stations For the 300 synoptic stations, the station was set up by 2016. The topographic data include relief, slope, aspect, and TIN layers extracts from 1:250000 topographic maps of the region. The maps of land use and vegetation land cover were prepared from the 1:250000 maps of national soil and water Research Institute. The spatial analysis facilities of GIS were utilized for numerical calculation and the spatial geodatabase of the region was established. Then spatial and description data was entered into the data bank. Finally by overlaying analysis in ArcGIS, cultivated area was classified according to its capabilities. The results showed that 707273/88 KM2 Of the area (43%), Not suitable for spreading pistachio cultivation (Including altitudes and urban use and steep slopes, seaside and riverside streams, shoals, saline and swampy lands) and 585130/39 KM2 (35/57%) From the country of Iran Area Including plain areas and agricultural use) was recognized as suitable for the expansion of pistachio cultivation. These areas are located in the east and south east, center and northeastern Iran.

Faryad Shayesteh, Mohammad Saligheh, Bohloul Alijani, Amanollah Fathnia,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

The smallest change in energy exchange of Earth System Shifts the balance of life. In order to be aware of the solar radiation Balance, Recognition of the measure of Balance level of the input and output components of radiation of input Short wavelength to the surface of the earth and Long Output Wavelength, it is necessary from the earth. To study the energy balance of input and output in Iranian plateau, the input and output radiation data of NCEP / NCAR site was used With a resolution of 2.5 * 2.5 *, including 46 cells in Iran,. For each season, a representative month was considered And correlation, confidence level, coefficient of determination and amount of oscillation of input and output radiation were calculated in different regions of Iran. Finally, some calculations were presented spatially with the IDW method. The results showed that the maximum short-wave wavelength was 230 watts per square meter in August and the lowest was 52 watts per square meter in November. The highest long-wavelength output in August was 65 watts per square meter, and the lowest amount was January and November with 20 watts per square meter. The highest the amount of output increase has been occurred in August in the east of province South Khorasan with a correlation of 0.59 to 112 watts per square meter in 2001. In decreasing output changes, except for May, there was a decrease in the rest of the months. The highest long-wavelength output was in the northwest and in the provinces of Ardabil and Guilan.
Kaveh Mohammadpour, Mohammad Saligheh, Tayeb Raziei, Ali Darvishi Bloorani,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

Mineral Dust, the most important type of aerosol, has a significant direct and indirect role in weather and climate. In this case, it intend to investigate the capability and capability of MACC model validated by MODIS for detection of dust episodes in the Kurdistan province during 2003-2012. To achieve that, we analysis satellite and model data using Man-Kendall trend and statistical tests. The results of the temporal distribution indicated that the mean Aerosol Optical depth (AOD) in 2008 was 0.36 and its lowest was 29.04 for 2004. In addition, average AOD in menthioned year was 0.036, 0.335, 0.385, 0.377 and 0.3368 for the cities of Sanandaj, Saqez, Ghorveh, Kamyaran, Marivan, respectively. The spatial distribution of AOD average in different seasons showed that winter and autumn had the lowest amount and spring, and summer season had the highest AOD. AOD's monthly spatial distribution showed that high dust belonging to April-August period to covers completely interested area.The results of the Man-Kendall test showed that the area had a significant positive trend in the spring season throughout the province and the summer season in the east of the province. Therefore, the spring season in the area known Extreme Season and June 19, 2009 between the five days of the dust extreme is as an extreme episode with an average AOD of 1.16 and a horizontal visibility of less than two kilometers that it have the highest and most widespread mineral dust. In general, the results of the MACC with multidimensional approach showed that optical depth (AOD, DOD) is a more appropriate criterion than horizontal visibility in determining dust storm.
Rastegar Mohammadi, Mohammad Saligheh, Mohammad Hossein Naserzadeh, Mehri Akbari,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

Extratropical cyclones according to the frequency, duration, and intensity, the major cause of mid-and high-latitude precipitation across the Mediterranean during winter and autumn. For this research using network data of ECMWF climatic variables with 6-hour time resolution and 0.25 × 0.25 spatial resolution from1979-2016 and were used of 4 Basin stations precipitation data from the Asfezari database from 1979-2016. The results showed that the first pattern is the Mediterranean trough pattern which has the highest frequency of 42%. In this pattern, the low-level due to the presence of a high-level that acts as a barrier have caused the deepening of the Mediterranean low-level and its axis extends to the Red Sea, and due to the collision of low-level and high-level on the region, instability is intensified and has caused the most rainfall among the patterns.  In contrast to the first pattern, The fourth pattern has the lowest frequency of 10% Which is the trough pattern of western winds which is located on the Caspian Sea but due to high-level in the south of the region has prevented the entry of low-level and is located in the northern part of the study area due to this, the isobar in the north of the region have become orbital as a result, fewer cyclones enter the area, resulting in less rainfall between patterns. The results also showed that the frequency of cold-core cyclones was 60% in winter and 40% in autumn, but the frequency of hot core cyclones was 62% in winter and 38% in autumn, which in winter, the frequency of hot core cyclones has increased compared to cold-core cyclones, while in the fall the frequency of hot-core cyclones has decreased compared to cold-core. In the last decade, both the frequency of occurrence of cyclones and their intensity has decreased compared to the last two decades. In terms of cyclogenesis places, the western part of the study area has always been active, And with the onset of the cold season from autumn to winter, cyclogeneses places are gradually becoming more active.

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