Showing 14 results for heydari
Fereydoon . Babaei Aghdam, Rahim Rahim Heydari Chianeh, Qassem Rahimifard,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of destination image and service quality on the competitiveness of tourism destinations studied: Tabriz city was written. This research is applied in terms of purpose and analytical in terms of descriptive method. The statistical population consisted of incoming tourists to the city of Tabriz, the sample size of which was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula for an unlimited population. In order to collect field information, a researcher-made questionnaire was used, the validity of which was confirmed by experts. Cronbach's alpha method and combined reliability were also used to evaluate the reliability, and the results of these tests confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire used. In order to analyze the data and information of this research, SPSS and LISREL software were used. The results of the research hypotheses showed that the destination image and service quality have a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of tourism destinations. According to the path coefficient obtained for these two independent variables, the effect of the destination image variable on the competitiveness of tourism destinations was higher than the quality of services.
Mr Ali Shamai, Ms Mina Heydari Tamrabadi, Ms Marjan Heydari Tamrabadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
In recent years, urban regeneration has been proposed as an approach for modernizing the urban environment. Sustainable urban regeneration is a comprehensive approach to restore social, physical, economic and environmental development to urban areas. Considering the important effects of urban space optimization on the quality of life of citizens, especially people with disabilities in public places, sustainable urban development is a necessity. In this study, spatial quality of Tehran 6th region has been analyzed due to physical limitations of people with motor disabilities. In order to collect data, library and survey methods have been used. The statistical society of this study is immobile and aquadroplasia patients. For this purpose, a questionnaire has been completed by patients with aquadroplasia and motor disability. Using single-sample T-test, spatial quality component analysis and urban regeneration services were performed in the form of physical-spatial, functional-service, content characteristics indices. Then, using Pearson correlation analysis and regression, the relationships between indices and their impact on the quality of urban environment in district 6 were identified. The results of single sample T-test showed that the quality and satisfaction of the urban environment of district 6 are not at a high level in terms of immobility residents. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that at the level of physical-spatial characteristics, in the sub-index area of access and roads organization has the greatest effect of B=0.518 on citizens' satisfaction. At the functional-service characteristics level, social welfare services sub-index (B=0.531) has the greatest impact. At the content characteristics level, environmental health sub-index =0.680 and B=0.627 have the highest effect. The importance of indicators varies from person to person and from neighborhood to neighborhood according to their individual abilities and needs, but as the findings suggest, for the needs of people with disabilities in district 6, some measures have not been taken to optimize the urban environment of this area for social comfort, environment.
Ms Atefeh Bosak, Dr Zahra Hejazizadeh, Dr Akbar Heydari Tashekaboud,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
Air pollution has significant impacts on human health, environmental quality, and the sustainable development of cities. This study aimed to evaluate PM10 using meteorological data from the city of Ahvaz through statistical methods and artificial neural networks. Daily meteorological data and air quality control station data for 4485 days (from 2011 to 2023) were obtained from the National Meteorological Organization and the Khuzestan Department of Environment. Initially, the data were processed and refined, and their normality was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Given the non-normality of the data, Spearman's and Kendall's Tau-b methods were employed to examine their correlations. The time series and statistical information of the data were obtained using Python programming language. Furthermore, to predict future PM10 levels, the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neural network method was utilized. The results of these analyses indicated a significant correlation between meteorological variables and PM10. The Spearman and Kendall Tau-b correlations showed that PM10 had a positive and significant correlation with wind speed (0.094 and 0.061) and temperature (0.284 and 0.187) at a 99% confidence level. Conversely, PM10 exhibited a negative and significant correlation with visibility (-0.408 and -0.300), wind direction (-0.048 and -0.034), precipitation (-0.159 and -0.125), and relative humidity (-0.259 and -0.173) at the 99% confidence level. For future PM10 predictions, the MLP neural network was used. The model was of the Sequential type with an input layer consisting of 6 neurons, three hidden layers of Dense type with 16, 32, and 64 neurons, and an output layer with a linear activation function. The mean squared error (MSE) for the training set was 0.0034, and for the validation data, it was 0.0012. For the test set, the obtained validation accuracy was mse_mlp=0.0048 and val_loss=0.0012. The results indicate a significant direct or inverse correlation between meteorological data and PM10. Additionally, the outcomes of the MLP neural network demonstrated that the network provided satisfactory performance and acceptable predictions for PM10 data in Ahvaz.
Shadieh Heydari Tasheh Kaboud, Younes Khoshkhoo,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)
The aim of this research is the study of the climate change impacts on the seasonal and annual reference evapotranspiration time scales in some selected stations located in the West of Iran. To this purpose, four stations including Sanandaj, Saghez, Khorramabad and Kermanshah synoptic stations with enough long-term data were selected and the climate change impact on the reference evapotranspiration of these stations under two RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios in three future time periods including 2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100 in comparison with the 1970-1999 base period was studied. The FAO-Penman-Montieth method was applied to calculating reference evapotranspiration and the CanESM2 general circulation model and SDSM downscaling method were used to simulating future climate conditions under the climatic scenarios. The results showed that the mean reference evapotranspiration in the annual and autumn and winter time scales in comparison to the base period will significantly increase for all of the studied stations under all of the scenarios and periods at the 0.01 confidence level. For spring season, the only significant change of the future period mean reference evapotranspiration compared to the base period in the all of the studied area will be a significant increase at the 0.01 confidence level in the 2071-2100 period under the RCP8.5 scenario and for the summer season, this significant increasing rate will occur in the 2041-2070 and 2071-2100 periods under the RCP8.5 scenario. The overall results of this research showed that the highest increasing rate of the future periods in comparison with the base period for all of the seasonal and annual time periods and for all of the studied area will under RCP8.5 scenario and in the 2071-2100 time periods. by comparing the reference evapotranspiration change rates between the different seasonal and annual scales, the results showed that the increasing rate of the mean reference evapotranspiration at the West of Iran will be very remarkably in the autumn and winter seasons compared to the other time scales.
Esmail Heydari Alamdarloo, Hassan Khosravi, Sahar Nasabpour Molaei,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)
Proper climate and adequate knowledge tourism and can be as an attractive or unpleasant factor for tourists. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the tourism climate of Yazd province as one of the most important provinces in the arid regions of the country. For determining the tourism presence comfort in the Yazd province, Tourism Climate Index (TCI) was used. In order to investigate tourism climate index data from 17 meteorological stations was used. Then by calculation sub-indexes and TCI, zoning of TCI and sub-indexes for Yazd province was done with ArcGIS environment. The results showed that October, May, November and April are the best months for tourism activities in Yazd province, and January, July, February and December have the lowest average of TCI index respectively. The most changes in TCI occurs in July and the lowest changes is in October. According to Scott & McBoyle classification, the TCI annual classification shows that Yazd province is placed in two classes: Bi-modal shoulder peak and Dry season peak. Generally, the mountainous area with an altitude of more than 2,700 to 3,000 meters and their surrounding areas when rainfall and lower temperatures is not a limiting factor have the best tourism conditions in the dry season. Other areas with less height of 2700 to 3000 meters have the best climatic conditions for tourism in the spring and autumn.
Mr Salman Feizi, Dr. Rahim Heydari, Dr. Shahrivar Rostaei,
Volume 20, Issue 59 (12-2020)
Tourism is an strategy for increasing the community revitalization of encouraging social revival and improving living conditions in urban areas. Accordingly, urban development planners focus on new tools in their planning strategies to achieve these benefits and move towards new concepts such as branding. Such an approach has added to the importance of branding in urban tourism development. In this research, efforts have been made to evaluate the impact of branding on tourism development and its dimensions in the Tabriz metropolitan area. The present study based on the purpose is the applied research and in terms of method is descriptive-analytical research. The statistical population of this study is tourists entering the city of Tabriz in 2018. The required sample size was considered using Cochran formula and 384 people. The questionnaire used in the research has been constructed by the researcher whose indices are derived from relevant studies and literature and then localized. Validity and reliability of the research model and analysis of the data were done using structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis in Smart PLS software. The research findings showed that destination branding has a positive and significant impact on the development of urban tourism and its dimensions (perceived value and benefits, support and participation and sustainability of tourism development) in Tabriz metropolitan area. The results also indicated that the branding of urban tourism destinations in metropolitan cities could increase the support of tourism through increased value and perceived benefits, thereby contributing to sustainability.
Fereydoon Babai Aghdam, Rahim Heydari Chinay, ,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)
Understanding the needs and interests of tourists provides a better understanding of tourism and is a valuable guide in designing effective programs for sustainable tourism development. Considering the importance of the above mentioned cases, the present study was carried out using a descriptive-analytical method and a library and questionnaire for The purpose of this study was to assess the conformity of tourists' needs with urban tourism management measures so that the needs and expectations of tourism and services and ... Tourists (383 persons) from Tabriz before traveling with completed tourist services Travel as action They were analyzed by urban tourism management (80 people) and their satisfaction with the trip. The results showed that the average level of satisfaction of tourists with accommodation and tourism infrastructure in Tabriz is moderate. The needs and expectations among tourists regarding infrastructure, transportation, accommodation, services, are consistent with urban management practices and the research hypothesis is confirmed. Urban Management Approaches to Tourism Needs Significantly Impact on Tourist Satisfaction with Tourism Purposes
Khadijeh Heydarian, Siavash Shayan, Hossein Jahantigh,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)
Summer catchment basins surrounding the city of Tehran, due to their remoteness from atmospheric pollution and urban manifestations, is considered as a place for exploring and recreating for many people, and as a place for money making out of restaurants attracting many tourists for others. Sangan is taken into consideration as one of the most beautiful valleys in Northwest of Tehran. The summer catchment basins due to the phenomenon of counter urbanization and also escape from city pollution, easy access, and short distance, has taken too much attention, so much that the inhabitants mostly spend winter in Tehran and summer there. Since some buildings have been built along the main river, the study of the effectiveness of riparian zone and also the specification of areas susceptible to flood is of great importance. In this research, using the HEC-RAS RAS model, flood- prone areas with different return periods (2 to 100 years old) were calculated, and then for the floodplain zoning the morphological characteristics of the flood zones gathered during the fieldwork have been used. The careful study of these flood fringe zones indicates that a small percentage of the lands are included in flood hazard zone with the 25-year return period. Also, the comparison of the pictures taken from the Sangan River in the past and present shows that the use of lands in the river bank has been changed and due to unauthorized constructions and gardening along the river, the width of the bed has dramatically been decreased. This factor increases the size of the floodplain area and consequently the damages.
Parvin Daneshvar, Dr Taghiloo Ali Akbar, Dr Hassan Heydari,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)
Increasing urbanization today and the lack of integrated urban management have led to inadequate planning in cities. In this regard, the local councils, as the most prominent local institutions and the most important decentralization manifestations, symbolize the serious presence of the people to determine their own fate, if they are institutionalized in the governance structure as coordinators of the executive agencies. In these cities, they can play a valuable role in the social security of cities. The present study was conducted using descriptive-analytical approach and field method. In this study 354 people were selected using Cochran model. Next, based on the results of the questionnaire, the results were analyzed using SPSS software. Conclusions: Based on the Friedman test, among the research items, the second item is "Social Security Development", and the first item is "Economic Security Development". Among the items, the second item (Social Security) with 2.90 points out that the role of local councils in social security development is higher than other dimensions and the first item with 1.98 points of economic security development comes in last. has taken. Also, the one-sample t-test showed that the significance level of the test is less than (0.05) and at 95% confidence level there is a positive significant difference between the dimensions of council functions and the dimensions of sustainable urban security development.
Abbas Minai, Rahim Heydari Chianeh, Shahrivar Rustai,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)
the purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting the competitiveness of tourism destinations. The present study is of applied purpose and of descriptive-analytical method. The required data for the study were collected in two forms: library and field (questionnaire). The statistical population of the study consisted of incoming tourists to Ardebil city. Due to the lack of accurate statistics on the number of incoming tourists the Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size for an unlimited population. The sample size was 384 people. It was a simple accident. In order to check the validity of the questionnaire, the validity of the questionnaire was confirmed in two stages of face and face validity through the opinion of professors and experts, and divergent validity was confirmed by calculating the extracted mean variance index (AVE). The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach's alpha and the combined reliability coefficient (cr). The results of Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability of the questionnaire confirmed the validity of the questionnaire. Spss and lisrel software were used for data analysis. The findings of this study showed that creativity and sustainability of tourism destinations have a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of urban tourism destinations. The results also showed that the impact of sustainability of tourism destinations on the competitiveness of tourism destinations is more than the creativity of tourism destinations
Dr Shahrivar Rostaei, Dr Rahim Heydari Chyaneh, Mr Ayoub Zoghi,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)
As cities become more physically in structure and demographically wider, the rate of crises is also increasing consequently, and cities become more vulnerable to natural disasters for a variety of reasons, including economic and cultural poverty, fault alignment and non-compliance to regulations of earthquake-related issues. What matters is the level of community's preparedness and the degree of vulnerability of the city and its residents, which can be reduced to the lowest level if properly planned and principle policies are adopted. In this research, considering the high potential of Sanandaj in terms of seismicity and the existence of many faults in the vicinity and around of the city, it is tried to gain an authentic understanding of the subject with identifying the factors affecting the earthquake and combining indicators using the Classification Tree Analysis (CTA) model. The results indicate that a large area of the city is in the category of moderate to high vulnerability.52% is in the middle vulnerability category, 16.5% is in the high vulnerability category and 1% of the city is considered to be in the very high vulnerability category, which exactly matches the same marginal, old and densely populated neighborhoods. This situation does not render a proper structure and needs more consideration in prospective development plans.
Mohammad Reza Heydari, Mehrdad Sadeghi, Ali Rashidpoor,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)
The purpose of this study is to present a model of religious tourism based on the art of taziyeh in Kashan based on structural equation modeling, based on a mixed exploratory approach. In the qualitative part, the phenomenological method was used and in the quantitative part, the descriptive method, correlation based on structural equations was used. The statistical population of this research in the qualitative part included professors and experts in tourism and condolence in Kashan, which was obtained after 15 saturated interviews. In order to evaluate the validity of qualitative data, structural, external, descriptive and interpretive validity were used and in order to evaluate the reliability, the three approaches of Rao and Perry (2003) were used. The results of qualitative research were extracted from 11 economic, strategic, development, research, organizational, technical, content, environmental and advertising dimensions. After examining the extraction of components, the quantitative part of the research was examined. Factor and content validity were used to evaluate the validity. The reliability of the questionnaire was used from Cronbach's alpha, which had the necessary reliability. Available was selected. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics, including structural equations, through SPSS 22, LISREL 18.9 and Warp PLS 5 software. Findings showed that the most impact was economic dimension (impact factor 0.86) followed by cultural dimension with (0.79) and strategic dimension with (0.78).
Dr Shahrivar Rostaei, Dr Rahim Heydari Chyaneh, Mr Ayoub Zoghi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)
The occurrence of earthquakes and the losses and damages caused by it have always imposed a serious threat to the city, residents and assets, so that it has made planners and city managers to provide logical and scientific solutions to make cities safer. Securing cities against earthquakes will not be achieved only by creating strong structures, and we must take steps to reduce urban vulnerability through optimizing urban land use. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal urban areas for the development of the city with the aim of reducing the vulnerability of Sanandaj. For this purpose, KNN method has been used as a model with relatively high accuracy to evaluate the optimal land use of Sanandaj city with an emphasis on earthquake risk. The obtained model output shows that about 32% of the city area is in optimal condition and district 2 with 42.78% equivalent to 406 hectares and district 4 with 50.85% equivalent to 658 hectares provide an optimal condition for the development of the city, towards reducing urban vulnerability and increasing urban land use optimization. The general condition of the city is not suitable in terms of optimality and the neighborhoods located in districts 1 and 2 are in a very inappropriate condition due to high population and residential density, very poor permeability and low adaptation of land uses. In evaluating the model, the value of the area below the curve is 0.951, which indicates the desirable performance of the model in examining the subject.
Mr Habib Fasihi, Mis Mina Heydari,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)
Beauty is among the most sublime human needs. Since the time humans began building cities, they have paid attention to the sense of aesthetics. The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative evaluation of two neighborhoods, Golestan and Moradab, as the two most well-off and least well-off neighborhoods in Karaj city, in terms of the aesthetic indicators of urban space. The research method is descriptive-analytical and data collection on 14 selected components related to the aesthetics of the urban environment was carried out by direct observation and using an evaluation checklist. Descriptive statistics parameters were used to analyze and compare the aesthetic level of the two neighborhoods, and zoning maps were drawn in the geographic information system and calculations and analysis were performed on the relevant descriptive tables to analyze spatial inequalities. Considering the evaluation of the indicators in the range of 1-10 points and assigning a higher point to a higher level of aesthetics, the findings showed that the average figure of the total indicators in Golestan neighborhood is 6.31 and in Moradab neighborhood is 2.57. Also, in Golestan neighborhood, the median figure is 6.43 and the first quartile figure is 4, while in Moradab neighborhood these figures are 1.78 and 1, respectively. Spatial analysis of the zoning map showed that in Golestan neighborhood, in terms of total indicators, there are no areas that are at the "very low" and "low" levels in terms of aesthetics, while in Mardab neighborhood, there are no areas at the "high" and "medium-high" levels. It can be concluded that Golestan neighborhood is at a high level in terms of aesthetic indicators and there is a lot of spatial inequality within and between the two studied neighborhoods.