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Showing 14 results for heidari

Miss Tara Heidari Orojloo, Dr Afshin Afshin Ghorbani Param, Dr Faramrz Hasanpour,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

The climatic conditions of each region of Iran are important parameters in the design and provision of thermal comfort in the design of housing. The purpose of this study is to provide appropriate models of climate design in Shiraz according to thermal comfort indicators. The research method in terms of descriptive-analytical nature and using modeling software (simulation) will be powerful Grasshopper software and is based on applied purpose. Climatic elements of Shiraz city in Ladybug plugin, download epw file of Shiraz city has been extracted from this method and in Ladybug plugin has been used for the simulation process. Then, using software to extract climate tables, diagrams of flowerbeds, and solar conveyors for optimal orientation for buildings, psychrometric diagrams were extracted to achieve the best design solutions compatible with the climate. The results of the research shows. The city of Shiraz in winter and spring, in the climate comfort zone and this situation is the same in February, March, and April, ie in terms of the temperature of these months (except 13 to 16 April) outside the climate comfort range Is located. ; In addition to placing most of the windows on the south side, the use of auxiliary heating equipment is also necessary. In June, July, August, and September, it is above the comfort level, so in addition to materials with high thermal mass, suitable canopies, as well as the use of a water cooler can bring the conditions inside the building closer to the comfort range.
Farzad Karimi, Mostafa Ahmadvand, Ali Heidari,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

This study aims at identifying optimal method for masuring degree and level of development with resprct to models commonly used (Taxonomy, TOPSIS, Moris, SAW, and VIKOR). It is an applied rsearch in terms of the purpose and also is a quantitative research that was carried out in a survey method. Statistical population of the study was the villages in the county with 20 or more households (89 villages). Accordingly, 566 rural households were determined and selected as a sample using Lin sample size table. To collect the data, a questionnaire was used. For determining the content validity of the questionnaire, a factor analysis and for internal consistency reliability, Cronbach's alpha was used. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.561-0.955) indicated the optimality of the questionnaire. Matlab 7.10, Excel2010, SPSS20, and Arc-GIS Softwares were used for modeling the level of rural development in the county. Findings revealed that there was high significant relationship between the methods with regard to their ranking scores. Findings showed that the VIKOR was a suitable and powerful approach to determine level of rural development in the county. In VIKOR, the range of development degree was very high with compaire to other methods. In VIKOR similar to TOPSIS, negative and positive ideals were considered. VIKOR has a differenc with TOPSIS in considering criteria weight, In VIKOR at first, distance of each criterion from ideal was calculated, then the weights were added them. Therfore, in VIKOR against SAW and TOPSIS has a high sensivity to the weights. Furtermore, findings showed that Sarabtaveh, Deh Bare- Aftab Olia, and Tangary with regard to 51 criteria by 0.635, 0.608, and 0.579 scores, respectively were developing villages and Gavbarg, Cheshmeh Tabarghoo, Tal-Gahi with 0.182, 0.201, and 0.233 scores respectively were non-developed villages. Also, there wasn’t any village in level of completely undeveloped, developed and completely developed. Also, approximately half of villages (46.1 percent) with 21.46 percent of the population of the rural region were undeveloped villages. In addition, 69.35 percent of population in villages of the study was in developing stage.

Rasoul Heidari Sourehjani, Ahmad Ali Beigi,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)

At present, one of the issues of all cities is the urbanization and, consequently, the development of urban reptile tentacles on parakeet lands, the consequences of which are: Marginalization, destruction of agricultural lands, population growth of cities, failure to respond to certain services and utilities in the city, physical tissue fractures, environmental problems, especially pollution and urban disruption. In recent years, urban sprawl in many cities of Iran particularly, the boundaries of cities are affected by the urbanization process and the need of citizens. New housing has been transformed into user data and land. Considering that the city of Rasht is similar to other cities in recent years, there has been an increase in population, and has made significant changes in the use of urban land in this city. The present study seeks to evaluate the landslide changes in Rasht city during the years 1998-2016, using different patterns. Hence, to find out the type and extent of changes in the data and the factors influencing urban growth in the above area from the available AutoCAD files, detailed plan of Rasht city and also from Landsat TM imagery to measure urban growth in different directions from the hot spot of all urban users based on the proximity and the area, the results are shown Which has the user density to different levels and the breadth of applications in development and urban growth has played a significant role. Also for horizontal expansion of the city Fuzzy and Cause pattern and Markov chain network in Edrisi software is evaluated and shows that over the course of 18 years Rasht area was 4941.76 hectares It reaches 6202 hectares and represents 1260.243 hectares.
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Vakil Heidari Sarban, Alireza Abdpour,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors improvement of sustainable livelihoods from the perspective of local people of Ardabil County. First, factors affecting effectiveness improvement of sustainable livelihoods in the study area were identified from the perspective of local elites using semi-structured interviews. To achieve this goal, 35 residents of studied region were interviewed individually with college education and at least a bachelor's degree. In the second step of study, in order to understand and analyze rural communities' perspective of and their theoretical agreement degree with the results of the first step, 39 identified causes were the questionnaire design basis by Likert method. It can be said that studied population in this study consists of all villagers living in rural areas of Ardabil County in 2016 (N= 85053), among which 383 persons were selected as statistical sample using Cochran formula. In order to analyze the data, factor analysis model was used and the results of this model showed the most important factor improvement of sustainable livelihoods from the perspective of local people in studied region includes four components (entrepreneurship and fortification of economical infrastructures, support of demand- side and governmental interventional action, fortification of social capital and social empowerment and environmental management and fortification of physical infrastructures) that explained variance and the cumulative variance by the five factors 60.66. And finally, practical suggestions have been presented according to the results of the study.

Arash Sadri, Mahmod Heidari, Arezo Bangiyan Tabrizi,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

The city health, social and physical environment with all facilities that perform life activities with ease and efficiency makes possible. Urbanization, followed by its specific problems such as environmental degradation, water pollution, air, soil, increase mental illnesses and civil society more than ever threatened. This has led to today's urban design and urban management many challenges in the field of population, housing shortage, pollution and environmental degradation, social conflicts and provision of services and facilities infrastructure is facing. In this regard, the plan to create a healthy city public participation plays an important role in cities. In fact, a healthy city, city to realize a healthy person. The urban design approach and engage in healthy people. This cross-sectional study and data collection instruments and survey was conducted in two ways. According to the results, the neighborhood Shiite index of the five health (social, economic, environmental, health and culture) desirable standards Healthy City away in some areas also need to redesign and greater participation authorities and people in the neighborhood felt. The paper solutions to create healthy city with the participation of the people through the realization of indicators and metrics have reached a healthy city.

Msc Taraneh Mirgheidari, Dr Behzad Rayegani, Dr Javad Bodagh-Jamali,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

This study was conducted with the aim of providing a remotely sensed water quality index in Assaluyeh port using remote sensing technology. so, according to the region conditions, studying of scientific resources and access to satellite data, the parameters of heavy­metals, dissolved ions, SST, chlorophyll-a and pH were selected. Then, by reviewing sources, the product MYD091km, MYD021km, MOD021km, MOD091km and level2 images of chlorophyll-a and SST of MODIS sensor were used after preprocessing operations. Also In-situ data were collected Simultaneously with the capture of satellite images in August 2014. Then, the relationships between the water quality parameters and MODIS data, with (R2) from 0.59 to 0.94 and (RMSE) from 0.07 to 0.1 were obtained. Next the images of the MODIS sensor from 2015 to 2017 were prepared and the models were applied to them, then the layers were standardized by fuzzy logic. Also time series of SST data from 2003 to 2017 were prepared and for each month the average pixel values were calculated and based on this, from 2015 to 2017, the variation of this parameter was standardized. Finally, an effective index for assessing the quality of coastal waters was provided by time series of satellite images and the waters of Assaluyeh port were zoned. The results showed that the water quality in 2015 and 2016 has shifted from poor to very ­­poor status in 2017. Based on the results, with the development of a proposed index, in future studies a continuous assessment of environmental monitoring is possible.
Asadolah Hejazi, Zahra Heidari,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

In recent years, population growth and consequently the shortage of drinking water resources have increased the importance of studying the areas of caries Regarding the importance of the subject, in the present study, the evaluation and monitoring of the developed karstic areas and the potential of contamination of Cartesian resources in the Ravensar basin have been addressed In this study, 7factors were used to evaluate the factors of Karst development in Ravansar basin as well as two methods of OWA and ANP. The method of work is that after the necessary processing, using the OWA method and applying weights obtained through the ANP model, the zoning is done After designing the zoning map, using the satellite imagery of 2007 and2015, the development of human development areas in the developed karstic areas has been evaluated The results of this study indicate that most of the studied basin, especially in northern and western areas of the basin, are highly and relatively developed in the class, The calculation of the area of man-made areas suggests that in2007, about 2.6 km of occupied areas of man-made industrial zones have been occupied which, according to the growing population, increased to 3.8 km in2015, human-made areas have been extracted in developed artisanal areas
Tara Heidari Orojloo, Dr Afshin Ghorbani Param, Dr Faramarz Hasanpour,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

rchitecture is always influenced by various indicators, the most important of which are climatic and physical-spatial indicators. These indicators are well observed in traditional homes and have played an important role in the use of clean energy. In this study, the aim is to study the climatic and spatial indicators of traditional architecture of Shiraz houses in order to provide a suitable model for housing design in order to use clean energy. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection through a questionnaire. The validity of the instrument was confirmed by elite and the reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha above 0.70. The statistical population of the research consists of 27089 experts, specialists and people familiar with the architecture of the building and a member of the Engineering System Organization of Fars Province. The number of samples according to Morgan table is 384 people. The result of one-sample t-test showed that all studied climatic and spatial variables including green space, proportions and composition of architectural elements, materials, sustainable architectural design of spaces, building orientation, organizing spaces, water use, maximum use of wind , The use of light and providing coolness with shade at a level less than 0.05 were significant and in terms of the statistical population, were in a good condition. Among the spatial and climatic variables of architecture, the most impact was related to the orientation variable with a value of 4.03 and then green space with an average of 3.85. The regression result showed that the most effective variables in the design of modern houses are related to the variable of proportions and composition of architectural elements with a value of 0.151 units, ie 15%.

Mrs Somayeh Naderi, Prof. Bohloul Alijani, Prof. Zahra Hedjazizadeh, Dr. Hasan Heidari, Dr. Karim Abbaspour,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Evidence suggests that climate change will create uncertain regional agricultural production stability in the coming decades. This research investigated the impact of climate change on hydrology and sugar beet yield as one of the main crops in the Urmia lake basin using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). To address this, a baseline SWAT model was setup for 1986-2014. Afterward, the output was calibrated (1989-2004) and validated (2005-2014) in the SWAT-CUP software using the SUFI2 algorithm to simulate streamflow of 23 gauging stations and crop yield. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency was 0.43 and 0.53 for calibration and validation periods, sequentially. The Percent Bias was 45% and 16% for calibration and validation periods, respectively. As well as the agreement indices of 0.71 and the little Percent Bias (-6% to 10%) for crop production, verified the model's efficiency. The next step was downscaling and bias-correction of the precipitation and temperature data received from 3 climate models, namely GFDL, HadGEM2, and IPSL under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 using CCT program. Then, the downscaled data were fed to SWAT, and Finally, hydrological fluxes and sugar beet yield were estimated for 2021-2050. Despite a dispersion of precipitation changes ranging from -12% to +35% in most scenarios, results highlight the pivotal role that the warmer temperature (+2.7°C) increases evaporation, resulting in sharpened pressure on water resources and runoff, especially, at the beginning of crop growth season. Finally, the negative impacts on crop productivity (-45%) is not unexpected. This means that sugar beet may suffer from climate change impacts, and the production of this plant will change over the next period in this region.

Keywords: Climate Change, Sugar Beet, Urmia Lake Basin, Sensitivity Analysis, SWAT.
Zahra Heidari, Asadolah Heqazi, Shahram Rostaei, Siros Fakhri,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

Given Iran's ongoing role in the Middle East and the constant threat of external threats, it is imperative that I take action on the critical and important steps of my country Of the measures that can prevent the occurrence of malignancies , Kermanshah region due to its geographical location and proximity to Iraq as well as its complex morphology include high mountainous lands, relatively wide valleys and plains, geological structural diversity and With the immediate approach, Identify these natural features It creates the right places With passive defense approach To establish these centers. In this research, the research tools are surveyed topographic maps, geology and satellite and aerial images of the area as well as interviews with experts identifying the effective factors in locating critical and important centers with emphasis on passive defense..And after identifying them using AHP (Multi Criteria Decision Making Models) in order to compare the criteria has been analyzed. Also according to the final map based on geomorphological factors in ARC- GIS software environment The area of optimum area for the location of critical and sensitive areas in the northern part is greater than the soothe In other words, the geomorphologic features of the region in the northern and eastern parts of the region are more favorable than those in the western and southern regions for the optimal location of sensitive and important sites.
Hamed Heidari, Darush Yarahmadi, Hamid Mirhashemi,
Volume 24, Issue 75 (12-2024)

Human interventions in natural areas as a change in land use have led to a domino effect of anomalies and then environmental hazards. These extensive and cumulative changes in land cover and land use have manifested themselves in the form of anomalies such as the formation of severe runoff, soil erosion, the spread of desertification, and salinization of the soil. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the temperature inductions of the land cover structure of Lorestan province and to analyze the effect of land use changes on the temperature structure of the province. In this regard, the data of land cover classes of MCD12Q2 composite product and ground temperature of MOD11A2 product of MODIS sensor were used. Also, in order to detect the temperature inductions of each land cover during the hot and cold seasons, cross-analysis matrix (CTM) technique was used. The results showed that in general in Lorestan province 5 cover classes including: forest lands, pastures, agricultural lands, constructed lands and barren lands could be detected. The results of cross-matrix analysis showed that in hot and cold seasons, forest cover (IGBP code 5) with a temperature of 48 ° C and urban and residential land cover (IGBP code 13) with a temperature of 16 ° C as the hottest land use, respectively. They count. In addition, it was observed that the thermal inductions of land cover in the warm season are minimized and there is no significant difference between the temperature structure of land cover classes; But in the cold season, the thermal impulses of land cover are more pronounced. The results of analysis of variance test showed that in the cold period of the year, unlike the warm period of the year, different land cover classes; Significantly (Sig = 0.026) has created different thermal impressions in the province. Scheffe's post hoc analysis indicated that this was the difference between rangeland cover classes and billet up cover.
Hassan Heidari, Ebrahim Mesgari,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

Understanding the daily weather types of any specific location is crucial for identifying its long-term climate patterns. In this study, we utilized the Wos classification method in conjunction with a comprehensive climatological approach to analyze key variables, including minimum, average, and maximum temperatures, as well as cloud cover and daily precipitation. Data from 1985 to 2021 were collected from 39 synoptic stations, which exhibited a well-distributed representation across the country and provided complete datasets. Weather types were identified using established coding techniques. The findings indicated that the predominant temperature types in the country are primarily categorized as hot and very hot, with sub-codes reflecting generally low to moderate cloud cover and negligible precipitation. Furthermore, the application of Ward's clustering method facilitated the identification of three distinct climatic groups. The geographical characteristics of each location, including factors such as altitude, latitude, proximity to the sea, and synoptic influences, play a significant role in the regional differentiation of these groups within the country. The outcomes of this research can be instrumental in developing weather calendars for various regions, with implications for numerous sectors including agriculture and tourism.

Masoud Malekian Dolat Abadi, Gholamhosein Heidari, Farhad Hamzeh,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

The contemporary global landscape is characterized by heightened geopolitical competition, in which energy resources have evolved from being mere support for nations to becoming pivotal elements in the contest for power. This context has transformed corridors into significant arenas for competition, as each country endeavors to establish its position within the intricate network created by these emerging corridors. In this regard, the prevailing global geopolitical trend has intensified the competition over maritime chokepoints and secured access to cross-border markets.This research serves as a theoretical foundation, employing a descriptive-analytical methodology that incorporates a comparative approach, utilizing library and internet resources for data collection. Within the chronopolitical framework of Iran-Iraq relations, each actor strives to delineate its role in international corridors while pursuing various objectives. For instance, Iraq is actively engaged in the "FAW Corridor" initiative, whereas Iran seeks to expand economic cooperation and secure a place in the burgeoning alliances of the East. While it is challenging to make definitive predictions regarding the future of relations between the two countries from a chronopolitical perspective, emerging signs suggest a trend toward diminished cooperation and increased competition, influenced by a multitude of variables. A key indicator of this potential competition is the rivalry over transit routes (corridors).

Mostafa Karampour, Yeganeh Khamoshian Sahneh, Zohreh Ebrahimi, Hamed Heidari,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

In recent years, much attention has been allocated to the study of atmospheric rivers because atmospheric rivers are massive carriers of moisture from remote areas. In this study, atmospheric rivers were studied for Iran and the neighboring countries in terms of their source of formation and their relationship and correlation with the NAO index. To study them the 1994 to 2019 data of various climatic elements such as Vwind, Function wind, NAO,, wind Shum, Meridonal wind were used. The results showed that during the study period, the ARs direction became more southerly, and jet streams played a major role in producing and determining the direction of river flow. Jetstream performance can also be used to determine the potential of an area in identifying atmospheric rivers. The highest correlation of the Transatlantic Transplant Index is with the tidal currents at the levels of 500 and 400. If the pressure centers are located in the southern part of the atmospheric rivers and the jet streams reach the eastern regions about 60 degrees, the length of the atmospheric rivers will reach more than 12,000 kilometers and  affect the eastern regions of Iran to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

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