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Mr. Ayat Jahanbani, Mr. Ali Shamie, Mr. Habib-O-Llah Fasihi, Mr. Taher Parizadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Resiliency is one of the approaches to reducing the vulnerability of communities and strengthening peoplechr('39')s ability to deal with the dangers of natural disasters, especially earthquakes, and has economic, social, institutional, physical, and environmental dimensions. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and research method. The researcher-made questionnaire with 102 items was a tool for collecting research data. The sample size was 386 simple based on Cochranchr('39')s formulas and the sampling method was random. Exploratory factor analysis and path analysis were used in the SPSS25 software platform for data analysis and factor modeling. The results indicate that Parsabad city has the lowest scores in terms of social and physical resilience and is in a moderate to good condition; environmental resilience is in a moderate condition, institutional and economic resilience are in a bad situation. Also question factorization, 13 factors for social dimensions, (behavior during the crisis, crisis awareness, crisis preparedness, knowledge, cooperation, trust, assistance, reliance, interaction, accuracy, attitude, first aid, and necessary measures); 3 factors (Damages, Compensation and ability to return) for economic dimensions; 5 factors (performance of public institutions, the performance of semi-public institutions, institutional communication, institutional measures, and institutional context) for institutional resilience; 4 factors (open space, building resistance, public access and Relief access) for physical resilience and 3 factors (environmental, nutritional and soil factors) for environmental resilience. Finally, the modeling of resilience indicators for Parsabad city was presented.

Zeinab Mohebbi, Dr Farzaneh Sasanpour, Dr Ali Shamaei, Dr Habib Fasihi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Today, cities are looking for advanced ways to improve their individual personality and one of the most important strategies is to characterize the characteristics of city branding, which can be a solution for the development and improvement of the city. Qom metropolis, as one of the religious and historical cities of Iran with a cultural-religious role at the national level, hosts a large number of tourists every year, but the tourists who stay in the city are very few and it seems that the city can find a solution. Have. development of the city. This research analyzes the composition of branding of Qom in metropolitan areas and finally determines the position and level of the metropolis based on branding ranking. The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its nature and research method. The researcher's self-made questionnaire was used in the field method. The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts (30 people). The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using Cronbach's alpha formula in SPSS 19 software equal to 0.76. TOPSIS method was used to rank the regions and Arc GIS 11 was used to produce the maps. Based on the obtained results, the 4th region of Qom city is in a favorable condition and the 2nd region is in an unfavorable condition, and the city of Qom is in an average condition in terms of management, physical and social, and in an unfavorable condition in terms of economy. Since the commercial and economic indicators of Qom metropolis are in a bad situation, paying attention to the increase of capital in the city can improve the urban environment, which as a result can be achieved as a resistance economy.  From a physical point of view, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the elements and symbols of the city are permanent in the minds of the beneficiaries of the city.

Dr Habibollah Fasihi, Dr Taher Parizadi, Mrs Nahid Noori,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Among the many kinds of natural hazards, earthquake is one of the rare events that human science has not yet been able to control or even predict. Physical structure conditions of human settlements play an important role in vulnerability to this natural disaster. The purpose of this article is to investigate natural and physical characteristics of Kuhdasht in terms of earthquake vulnerability. The city with a population of 90,000 and an area of about 540 ha, locates in the west of Lorestan province, Iran. The data are provided from GIS file of 2016 Iranian Public Census of Population and Housing, GIS files of Kuhdasht land use and GIS files of Iran faults and lithology.  A few layers have been added to these files through observation. It is used Arc-Map 10-8 to combine layers and produce maps. Then we used Excel software to do statistical analysis on data tables. Findings showed that the site of study area locates in a middle risk zone of earthquakes, but its close distance to active faults can be a warning for occurring destructive earthquakes. High proportion of non-resistant buildings, high density of buildings in some parts of the city and the presence of two gas stations in the middle of residential buildings, are the most important components of Kuhdasht vulnerability. In contrast, plenty of open spaces, high proportion of non-apartment houses, low population density and permeability of passages are important strengths in this regard. The central part of the city from which the city originated, is more vulnerable than the other parts. Due to the existence of the trade centers here, it is necessary to pay more attention to in future plans.
Dr Maryam Bayatvarkeshi, Ms Rojin Fasihi,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

Modeling provides the studying of groundwater managers as an efficient method with the lowest cost. The purpose of this study was comparison of the numerical model, neural intelligent and geostatistical in groundwater table changes modeling. The information of Hamedan – Bahar aquifer was studied as one of the most important water sources in Hamedan province. In this study, MODFLOW numerical code in GMS software, artificial neural network (ANN) and neural – fuzzy (CANFIS) method in NeuroSolution software, wavelet-neural method in MATLAB software and geostatistical method in ArcGIS software were used. The results showed that the accuracy of methods in estimation of the groundwater table with the lowest Normal Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) include Wavelet-ANN, CANFIS, geostatistical, ANN and numerical model, respectively. The NRMSE value in Wavelet-ANN method as optimization method was 0.11 % and in numerical model was 2.2 %. Also the correlation coefficients were 0.998 and 0.904, respectively. So application of neural combination models, specially, wavelet theory in estimated the groundwater table is most suitable than geostatistical and numerical model. Moreover, in the neural intelligent models were applied latitude, longitude and altitude as available variables in input models. The zoning results of groundwater table indicated that the decreased trend of groundwater table was from the west to the east of aquifer which was in line with the hydraulic gradient.

Habibollah Fasihi,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

In urban planning, proper distribution of facilities and educational services is important, because only if there is an equity in the distribution of services and land uses, it will be possible for all residents to take advantage from them. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the spatial distribution of schools and the accessibility of households to public education schools in 20th district of Tehran.The research method was descriptive-analytical based on the data and information provided by the education departments. In order to analyzing the spatial distribution of schools we used spatial analysis models in GIS including the nearest neighboring index; multi-spatial analysis and Moran index. Buffer technique has been used to analyze access to public education schools.  Findings showed that all the schools at different levels from primary, secondary, to vocational   schools had a cluster pattern of spatial distribution.  The distribution of public education schools (primary and first period of secondary schools) had a more clustered pattern compared to the specialized schools. 29.9% of the area was not inside the access area of boys' elementary schools. The out of access area of girls' elementary schools,  first period boys' high schools and the  girls' ones were 6,27, 13/7 and 3/7 percent respectively. While some parts of the study region were outside of schools access areas, In some other parts,  5 access areas of elementary schools and 7 access area of first period high schools were overlaid. This also reflects the unequal spatial distribution of schools in the region.
Dr. Habibollah Fasihi, Dr. Mohammah Soleimani Mehrenjani, Ms Samira Ahmadnia Koohestani,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Evaluating environmental impact can help urban and regional planner and manager to understand the impacts of development plans on human well-being and environmental health. Therefore, it can enable them to prevent environmental pollution and degradation. This descriptive- analytical research aimed to assess environmental, physical, economic and socio-cultural impacts of Talesh Industrial Estate on Kashli village as the nearest settlement to the estate. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The variables are set in 29 items and were evaluated in 11 ranges by 270 sample people on the basis of a model adopted from Pastakia method. Findings showed that the industrial estate had more positive consequences than negative ones. Positive and negative consequences are more prominent in economic dimension and in environmental dimension respectively. Of the 29 impacts evaluated, the estate has had 16 positive and 13 negative impacts.
Ali Shamai, Habib Fasihi, Mahsa Delfannasab,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Valuable textures play an important role in the development of tourism in various aspects of economic, social, cultural, etc. due to the presence of nostalgic attractions and architectural and cultural relics. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors driving the variables related to recreational plans for the urban tourism development of Tajrish. The collection method is based on library, documentary and field information. . Based on the results of variables such as subsurface development and the establishment of shelter and shelter development in Shohada-Tajrish Hospital, the establishment of a pond of tranquility and development of the Maghsud Beyk river and other variables are independent variables, that is, neither effective nor ineffective. However, creating a cultural and entertainment pole in northern Tehran, promoting eco-tourism, organizing the Emamzadeh Saleh, reviving the trees of Valiasr Street have been considered as variables that have both influencing and influencing the development of tourism in the Tajrish district. However, variables such as neighborhood management, the establishment of a shopping center, the creation of a cultural and entertainment pole in northern Tehran, the expansion of eco tourism surrounding areas of the Tajrish area such as Darband and Derek ... and the development of the Iranian Cinema Museum and ... have been significantly influenced by the strategic area. And determining and strategic in developing the tourism of Tajrish neighborhoods and are considered as key variables.
Behrouz Hashemi, Farzaneh Sasanpor, Ali Movahed, Habiallah Fasihi,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

With the rapid growth of population and urbanization since the last century, the complexity and understanding of the spatial organization of the city, as well as the ability to predict urban events in its spaces, have become difficult and in some cases impossible. Karaj metropolis is one of the major metropolitan areas of Iran that has been experiencing rapid population growth and this has led to complexity of space and consequently to complexity of organization recognition and analysis and its spatial structure and impact of livelihood components. It has become a spatial system. The main purpose of the present study is to identify the role and impact of Karaj's spatial organization on its nuclear viability. The research method is quantitative and descriptive-exploratory. The study area was Karaj metropolis and its main nuclei. The statistical population of this study is citizens living in the sub-nucleus of Karaj. The sample size was 378persons. The data used in this study were collected through library and field research. Data were analyzed using spatial statistics, spatial arrangement, and T-test and Friedman test. The results show that the Karaj metropolitan organization and spatial structure are interconnected and connected to some of the major routes, forming sub-nuclei away from the core and thus transferring the functional and service applications from the center to be the peripheral nucleus. This has affected the viability of the core. Decrease in biodiversity has occurred in different physical, social, economic and environmental dimensions that have affected the environmental and economic aspects less than the other two dimensions, so it can be concluded that the Karaj Spatial Organization has an impact on its viability.
Dr. Hassan Kamran, Dr. Habibollah Fasihi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

The historical fabric of cities, which leave the cultural heritage of the urban community like a shining gem, has valuable capabilities for the prosperity of the city's economy and for linking the past, present and future. Preservation of this valuable heritage, along with efficient use of its capacities, is considered a serious duty of society members and an important responsibility for policy makers and managers. This article seeks to explore natural and human-induced hazards face to Baharestan as an example of Tehran's historical fabric neighborhoods and to study the physical and structural situation of the neighborhood to identify threats that put it at risk. The data was obtained from a few GIS files and a survey. Historical documents are also analyzed. According to the judgment of 30 sample experts, each value of the 19 using threat indicators is given a score from 1 to 5 so that, a higher number means a greater threat. The mean value of these scores indicates the role of each parameter in the vulnerability of this neighborhood. Research findings reveal a high potential for natural and human-induced events including earthquakes, flooding, strong winds, air pollution, and political protests. Physical, structural, and socio-economic situations in the neighborhood such as insecurity, drug abuse in public spaces, overcrowding, and daytime congestion have also led to rapid relocation of neighborhood residents, who subsequently were replaced by commercial activities and warehouses that attribute to risks as well. In order to protect this neighborhood as a cultural heritage, it is necessary to develop a detailed rejeneration plan that considers the entire historical fabric of Tehran.
Mr Habib Fasihi, Mis Mina Heydari,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

Beauty is among the most sublime human needs. Since the time humans began building cities, they have paid attention to the sense of aesthetics. The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative evaluation of two neighborhoods, Golestan and Moradab, as the two most well-off and least well-off neighborhoods in Karaj city, in terms of the aesthetic indicators of urban space. The research method is descriptive-analytical and data collection on 14 selected components related to the aesthetics of the urban environment was carried out by direct observation and using an evaluation checklist. Descriptive statistics parameters were used to analyze and compare the aesthetic level of the two neighborhoods, and zoning maps were drawn in the geographic information system and calculations and analysis were performed on the relevant descriptive tables to analyze spatial inequalities. Considering the evaluation of the indicators in the range of 1-10 points and assigning a higher point to a higher level of aesthetics, the findings showed that the average figure of the total indicators in Golestan neighborhood is 6.31 and in Moradab neighborhood is 2.57. Also, in Golestan neighborhood, the median figure is 6.43 and the first quartile figure is 4, while in Moradab neighborhood these figures are 1.78 and 1, respectively. Spatial analysis of the zoning map showed that in Golestan neighborhood, in terms of total indicators, there are no areas that are at the "very low" and "low" levels in terms of aesthetics, while in Mardab neighborhood, there are no areas at the "high" and "medium-high" levels. It can be concluded that Golestan neighborhood is at a high level in terms of aesthetic indicators and there is a lot of spatial inequality within and between the two studied neighborhoods.

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