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Showing 8 results for Asghari

Ph.d Elnaz Piroozi, Ph.d Sayyad Asghari Saraskanrood, Ph.d Batool Zeinali,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Landslides are among the most common and destructive natural hazards that change the shape of the earth's surface, and reviewing the damages caused by landslides, the need to investigate the factors influencing the occurrence of this phenomenon and predict its occurrence. proves that Khalkhal City, due to its special geological, climatic, and geomorphological characteristics and human activities, has been affected by the risk of landslides for a long time. Therefore, considering the importance of the issue; The purpose of this research is to produce a landslide risk map in this city. In this regard, first, the distribution map of landslides and influencing variables, including; DEM, slope, aspect, land use, lithology, distance from fault, distance from river, distance from road, and rainfall were provided. Next, after the fuzzy membership and determining the weight values of each factor using the CRITIC method, the landslide susceptibility map was prepared using the MARCOS multi-criteria decision-making method. The results of the study showed, respectively; that The factors of slope, land use, and lithology with weight coefficients of 0.148, 0.139, and 0.132 have the greatest influence on the occurrence of landslides in the region. According to the results of the research, respectively; 707.14 and 512.87 square kilometers of the area of the city are in high-risk and very high-risk categories, and these areas are areas that need management work and the implementation of protection projects. Also, considering the use of the ROC curve method the area under the curve (0.89), and the correlation of 0.83% between the final map obtained from the research and the distribution of sliding surfaces, the accuracy of the MARCOS method in identifying and zoning prone areas The risk of landslides in Khalkhal city is great.
Sadegh Asghari, Gharib Fazelniya, Morteza Tavakoly, Marzie Shoghi,
Volume 15, Issue 37 (9-2015)

Sustainable development is an environmental concept appropriate to our era that nowadays in all of economic, social, environmental and physical-‌spatial aspects is considered and focused by everyone. In these times, global organizations that are working around the issues of sustainable development, emphasis on rural sustainable development, which seeks to improve rural living standards and welfare of the inhabitants of the villages, because at present time, the procedure of socio–economic variations accompanied by increasing migration of human groups is led to evacuation of villages. With attention to the importance of the subject and the increasing instability of the villages, present study was done for determining the effective factors on rural instability and measuring the intensity of this instability in Kaki District of Dashti Township. The research method is descriptive - analytical in which whole inhabited villages of Kaki District of Dashti Township were surveyed. In this regard, according to the number of households living in villages and using the Cochran formula, 255 questionnaires were calculated for questioning andthese questionnaires have been completed in the villages in proportion to the population of each village. In these questionnaires, 34 indicators related to the four dimensions of sustainable development (environmental, social, economic and physical-spatial) are considered. In order to determining instability intensity of the villages and their spatial analysis, is used AHP method in Expert Choice and ArcGIS software. Also SPSS software is used for statistical analysis. The results show that at the present time, all villages have various degrees of instability. In this regard, 65.8 percent of these villages have severe or very severe instability.  
Sayad Asghari Saraskanrood, Zeynab Dolatshahi,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the quality of wine in Khorramabad city as a major issue in public health and health management of citizens. To perform this research, data on the chemical element of 23 wells and fountains in Khorramabad County during the period of 2002 to 2013 were presented in the form of a series of elements: fluorine (F), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) The ArcGIS software and the algebraic or deterministic internalization methods, geology, IDW method, Kriging method and splint method were used for mapping and drawing maps. To assess the chemical quality of the drinking water element, standards were used: the National Standard, World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Environmental Organization (EPA) as an indicator of pollution. The results showed that the amount of calcium (Ca) in all seasons and in all sources is lower than the national standards (WHO) and (EPA) standards, but in some sources higher than the standard desirable standard. The amount of fluorine (F) only in the spring and summer is higher than the standard standard (EPA) in some wells, but in winter and fall in all wells and springs above the standard desirable standard (EPA) is. And the amount of potassium element (K) in any of the seasons and in any of the wells and springs is higher than the desirable and desirable national standard, WHO and EPA, as well as a handful of magnesium (Mg) in none of the water sources studied It has not been higher than the national standard, (WHO) and (EPA).

Dr Sayyad Asghari, Hadi Emami,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Earth surface temperature is an important indicator in the study of energy equilibrium models at the ground level on a regional and global scale. Due to the limitation of meteorological stations, remote sensing can be an appropriate alternative to the Earth's surface temperature. The main objective of this study is to monitor the surface temperature and its relationship with land use, which is monitored using satellite imagery. For this purpose, the images were first obtained and the necessary pre-processing was applied to each one. Then it was compared to modeling and classification of images.  Firstly, in order to investigate the changes in user-orientation, a user-defined classification map for each object was extracted using the object-oriented method. Then, to investigate the land use change, a map of user-landing changes map was extracted in an 18-year time period (2000-2017). Finally, in order to monitor the surface temperature, the surface temperature map of Ardebil was extracted.  The results showed that there is a strong relationship between land use and surface temperature. As a user, urban users have a temperature of about 41 ° C (2017), which is also due to heat-absorbing urban temperatures.  This is despite the fact that the use of hydrocarbons is due to a lower heat absorption of 34 ° C (2017). This shows the role of different uses in determining surface temperatures.  Also, the relationship between surface temperature and vegetation cover was investigated in this study. The results showed that areas such as soil and urban areas with a lower coverage than areas such as agriculture and pasture, have a higher temperature.  Because the coating is always an obstacle to the entry of heat, it has an inverse relationship with superficial heat.

Dr Sayyad Asghari, Roholah Jalilyan, Dr Noshin Pirozineghad, Dr Aghil Madadi, Milad Yadeghari,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Water is one of most important human needs for life. According to importance of subject, discussion of management and utilization of water resources has become one of the most important global issues. Remote sensing data are often used in water body extraction studies and type of remote sensing data used plays an important role in water body extraction. In this study, ability of Landsat satellite with application of water indices, to extraction of Gamasiab River in Kermanshah and comparing these indices have been investigated. Specific feature of Low width and shallow rivers has increased the complexity of studies of such rivers using available data. Water body extraction from remote sensing images has been over the past two decades. Water indices were first developed using Landsat TM and Landsat ETM. But its better performance in Landsat 8 is well documented by the researchers. In this study, NDWI, MNDWI, AWEI_nsh, AWEI_sh and WRI indices were used. With extracting optimal threshold from histogram of indices and applying this threshold, the study area was classified into two classes of water and non-water. Then overall accuracy and kappa coefficient values were taken from each of the indices. Finally, AWEI index with overall accuracy of 99.09% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.98 was the best response among the indices in the study area. The results this study showed that approach can easily extract water from satellite imagery.

Dear Dariush Abolfathi, Dr Aghil Madadi, Dr Sayyad Asghari,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

The purpose of this study was to estimate the amount of sediment of Vanai River in Borujerd. In this research, the characteristics of the sub-basins of this river have been extracted first. These specifications include the physical characteristics of the sub-basins, including the area, the environment and length of the waterways, and the characteristics of the river flow, and its sediment content. In the following, multivariate linear regression, multilevel prefabricated neural network (MLP) and radial function-based neural network (RBF) models are used to model sediment estimation. After estimating the model, the mean square error index (RMSE) was used to compare the models and select the best model. Evidence has shown that initially the MLP's neural network model had the best estimate with the lowest error rate (90.44) and then the RBF model (151.44) among the three models. The linear regression model has the highest error rate because only linear relationships between variables are considered.

Rasoul Ghorbani, Akbar Asghari Zamani, Rahim Gholamhosseini,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

There is a wide body of literature indicating a strong link between urban form and carbon emissions in the transport sector, this is done through the impact of city form components on citizen’s travel behavior. Therefore, in urban low carbon development theory, the reduction of cavalry production through changes in urban form elements is considered. This paper investigates the effects of urban form components on Tabriz Metropolitan travel behavior. Tabriz’s single-engine city form makes maximum use of personal cars for city trips resulting in increased carbon emissions in Tabriz’s urban air. Therefore, the impact of urban form elements on car-driven travel behavior has been selected as the most fundamental pillar of low carbon studies in Tabriz. The results of   the   application   of the Moran method show that the criteria used are mainly clustered and therefore have spatial autocorrelation and it is very useful to use location- based regression methods such as geographic weight regression. The results of this method show that access to metro stations in Tabriz metropolitan area the coefficient of importance of 0/40 have the least relationship with urban travel behavior, respectively and the two factors combining urban land use and business center access with a factor of importance of 0/54 are most important in urban travel behavior. It was therefore concluded that the components of urban form are more important in urban travel behavior and it needs to get more attention form city managers and planners in shaping a low-carbon city.
Mehdi Asghari, Zeinab Karkehbadi, Abbas Arghan,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

. All the interested and influential forces are in the administration of the cities and also respond to all the needs of these groups. On the other hand, women, as one of the main and most influential groups and social forces in the civil life of cities, today have a prominent role in the categories related to city administration. Therefore, the purpose of this article is the role of good urban governance in the corona and post-corona period, considering the position of women in Semnan. From the point of view of the goal, the present research is practical and according to the method of data collection, it is descriptive-survey. A questionnaire was used to collect the data and information of this research. The statistical population of the current research is the citizens of Semnan with a population of 185,129 people, and the sample size is calculated using Cochran's formula to be equal to 383 people. To analyze the data, single-sample t-tests and multivariate linear regression were used, and finally, to generalize the results from the sample to the statistical population, the structural equation modeling method was used by Lisrel software. The results of the one-sample t-test have shown that the t-values for each of the research variables with averages lower than the theoretical mean have been obtained as a negative number, which has determined the state of the dimensions of good urban governance in the city. Semnan and the position of women in it is not in a good position. Also, the results of structural equations in Lisrel software have shown that the justice variable has the highest and strongest relationship with good urban governance. Finally, the results of the surveys show; It is not possible to hope for the realization of good urban governance without defining and explaining the practical role of women as half of the city's citizens and one of the most important and influential groups in the administration of city affairs.

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