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1- PhD. Candidate in Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Azad University
2- Professor of Urban Planning, Academic Jihad Research Institute, Tehran, Iran, Academic Jihad Research Institute
Abstract:   (1031 Views)
Stakeholder conflicts and its lack of management are one of the most important obstacles to the success of urban regeneration programs in Iran. Therefore, the current research aims to analyze some of the challenges of urban regeneration programs from the perspective of stakeholder conflicts, with a case study of two regeneration projects in Tehran. The present study is based on a quantitative-qualitative method based on interviewing 15 experts related to selected projects and completing the questionnaire by these experts. Analytical steps include four steps: "Identifying the beneficiaries of each project", "Classifying the beneficiaries according to their power and benefits", "Identifying the conflicts of each project" and "Analyzing how the stakeholders interact with each other in the face of conflicts". In this regard, methods such as sample t-tech test, power-benefit matrix, and social network analysis were used in Gephi software. The results showed that most of the conflicts in urban regeneration projects were of the type of conflicts of interest and behavioral conflicts, and a small number of normative conflicts and cognitive conflicts could also be identified. In the first place, institutional and organizational conflicts and then inter-group conflicts were among the most important obstacles to the cooperation and interaction of stakeholders towards each other. This means that the institutions were only willing to cooperate with parallel institutions or their subordinate institutions.
as a result, The failure of Iran's urban regeneration programs in resolving stakeholder conflicts is rooted in many structural weaknesses related to the procedures and methods of preparation and implementation of these programs. Therefore, a mechanism should be provided in the process of preparing urban regeneration plans, which, in the first step, should pay attention to the dynamic, multidimensional and complex nature of conflicts in the stages before, during and after the implementation of the project, and then identify the conflicts of the beneficiaries in the very early stages. to control.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Geography and Urban Planning

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